>>9325225 (/pb)
>>9325252 (/pb)
Just a little clarification regarding IPs and UIDs. Not sure why Anons state that IP hopping is conclusive proof to shill behavior. Common shill statement. There are thousands of gateways that get banned all the time on the Kun….from VPNs to TOR. TORfags know that you can get blocked on a gateway by IPS IDS and WAF security products all the time. Often mid bread. Anons also know that gateways and UIDs can be shared. It happens constantly.
Shills also can share gateways with anons. So in reality it is still the wild west out here for privacy on the "private" networks. Yes shills use IP hopping as a tactic to force a narritive. They also use the TOR address for Kun to shut down the 00000 UID from real anons. (Jew Shills commonly use this technique. They also load up the number of posts they do so they limit the amount of real research per bread.) This is an information war this is what happens on the backend underground networks and VPNs. So when judging content and discerning the truth realize that things are not always what they appear. Many anons are transients on these networks and are never on the same circuits for a reason. To be as anon as possible. Its no easy task with how much our technology has been compromised. Not all gateways are safe. So anons in the know realize they must know who is managing the entry and exit nodes. Simple research on these happen but it takes a little time to identify friendly gateways. The funny thing is most shills don't know this and are easily observed all the time. Just ask our W&W team.
Enjoy the show anons
….the moar you know