>>9326854 (lb)
Could be. Even just subtle things like occasional muscle movements (leaning on the wrong part of the neck for too long) that you yourself think you're doing might not be the case. We already know the technology exists and is used.
>>9326854 (lb)
Could be. Even just subtle things like occasional muscle movements (leaning on the wrong part of the neck for too long) that you yourself think you're doing might not be the case. We already know the technology exists and is used.
Do you?
If you know the "truth" as you put it then you must know saying "you don't understand" to a bunch of people who already know they don't know wtf is going on for sure is just a waste of time and makes you sound like an arrogant retard.
But of course you must already know this.
I can't think of two people with more untrustworthy eyes than those two.
If that's code to activate a sleeper, it's the funniest shit ever.
Ffs you're so lucky I'm past the 'OMG WTF IS HAPPENING' phase.
Probably Daniel. They're roommates, after all.
Austin is little more than a suburb of LA now, just a place for vapid transients to sip their own farts out of wine glasses and screw over the locals. Occupied enemy territory.
>Bruce the scientist IRL shitposting
Literally, nigger's like 2 feet tall.