I'll just put this here
For you to ignore again
You don't want to know
Don't watch this
It's not important
If you disobey me
You might learn about
The Magick of Eugenics
And who is Pharaoh of the USA
I'll just put this here
For you to ignore again
You don't want to know
Don't watch this
It's not important
If you disobey me
You might learn about
The Magick of Eugenics
And who is Pharaoh of the USA
That is because masks do NOT stop viruses and there is lots of scientific study to show that FACT!
There is a simple answer
I would be an insane move
That would alert the bad guys
Surely you are not such a stupid MORON
To think that all the technology to do this
And all the knowledge
Is crammed into a few known locations?
That will get them to spill the beans on who gives the orders
Yale's Skull and Bones society and Bain and Company
Are the ones who give the orders
To the Chinese Communist Party
What didyouthink GHW Bush was doing there?
If an American citizen fires a weapon killing another American, that is normally murder.
But, if the act is done in order to overthrow the government, that is waging war on the USA and is Treason.
So what will happen to the Americans who funded and created thee COVID19 virus in Wuhan and unleashed it on the USA where it has killed 100,000
If two or more witnesses swear that the work was done in order to overthrow the government?
Ex parte Quirin.
Did you realize that Starbucks is part of the Gates Eugenics program,
Killing you softly with poisons
In every drink
In every pastry
In every sandwich
And that Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney
Are backing these plans
As employees of Bain and Company
And as ex-employees as well?
It's not a red vs blue war
Good versus Evil.
However, he said, debate on the laboratory origin of the virus has been stymied by scientists opposed to even considering the possibility.
“Several scientists with obvious conflicts of interest have been permitted to go on the record denying that it would be possible to generate such a virus in a laboratory and stating specifically that the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would never have been chosen by any ‘gene jockey,’” he said in an email.
However, he said, debate on the laboratory origin of the virus has been stymied by scientists opposed to even considering the possibility.
“Several scientists with obvious conflicts of interest have been permitted to go on the record denying that it would be possible to generate such a virus in a laboratory and stating specifically that the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would never have been chosen by any ‘gene jockey,’” he said in an email.
However, he said, debate on the laboratory origin of the virus has been stymied by scientists opposed to even considering the possibility.
“Several scientists with obvious conflicts of interest have been permitted to go on the record denying that it would be possible to generate such a virus in a laboratory and stating specifically that the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would never have been chosen by any ‘gene jockey,’” he said in an email.
However, he said, debate on the laboratory origin of the virus has been stymied by scientists opposed to even considering the possibility.
“Several scientists with obvious conflicts of interest have been permitted to go on the record denying that it would be possible to generate such a virus in a laboratory and stating specifically that the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would never have been chosen by any ‘gene jockey,’” he said in an email.
In silico comparison of spike protein-ACE2 binding affinities across species; significance for the possible origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Sakshi Piplani, Puneet Kumar Singh, David A. Winkler, Nikolai Petrovsky
The devastating impact of the COVID19 pandemic caused by SARS coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV2) has raised important questions on the origins of this virus, the mechanisms of any zoonotic transfer from exotic animals to humans, whether companion animals or those used for commercial purposes can act as reservoirs for infection, and the reasons for the large variations in susceptibilities across animal species. Traditional lab-based methods will ultimately answer many of these questions but take considerable time. In silico modeling methods provide the opportunity to rapidly generate information on newly emerged pathogens to aid countermeasure development and also to predict potential future behaviors. We used a structural homology modeling approach to characterize the SARSCoV2 spike protein and predict its binding strength to the human ACE2 receptor. We then explored the possible transmission path by which SARSCoV2 might have crossed to humans by constructing models of ACE2 receptors of relevant species, and calculating the binding energy of SARSCoV2 spike protein to each. Notably, SARSCoV2 spike protein had the highest overall binding energy for human ACE2, greater than all the other tested species including bat, the postulated source of the virus. This indicates that SARSCoV2 is a highly adapted human pathogen. Of the species studied, the next highest binding affinity after human was pangolin, which is most likely explained by a process of convergent evolution. Binding of SARSCoV2 for dog and cat ACE2 was similar to affinity for bat ACE2, all being lower than for human ACE2, and is consistent with only occasional observations of infections of these domestic animals. Overall, the data indicates that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins lie elsewhere.
Either click the URL above, or download attached PDF
P.S. why did they pick a triangle shape molecule for the attack?
The Lancet is a very reputable medical journal
This is the kind of evidence
That can convict Birx and Fauci of criminal negligence
And ideally they would be charged in a RICO suit
And talking heads with MD degrees from other countries
And from the WHO
Would all be included in the lawsuit.
Really happy that the local..
is opening up again, aren't you?
This journalist gives all her sources. A good example for Anons
GMO Impossible Burger Tests Positive for Glyphosate
Critics Challenge the Health Benefits of Alternative Meat https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-18/faux-meat-has-a-real-threat-with-opponents-attacking-healthiness
Bill Gates Beef With Climate Change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpwJtdcYkAA&feature=emb_title
Bain Financial Statement Archives https://archive.org/details/407723-bain-capital-fund-ix-lp-financial-statements-dec/page/n7/mode/2up
When Mitt Romney Came to Town https://archive.org/details/WhenMittRomneyCameToTown-2011
Bain Capital Investments 1984-1999 https://archive.org/details/270240-db-prospectus/page/n18/mode/2up
Bayer: Need some heroin for your cough ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9uuzRXZakI
Mitt Romney on Bain’s plan to buy and harvest companies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EsxNYXW5i8
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
How Mitt Romney Helped Monsanto Take Over the World
Starbucks is adding plant-based meat and oat milk lattes to its menu in China
The Starbucks Effect-Bain https://www.bain.com/insights/the-starbucks-effect/
Melusine (Alchemical Siren, Twin-tailed Mermaid)
Lives have been ruined - contaminated blood victims
https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48104413 How Bill Gates is Tied to the Success of Starbucks https://www.lifedaily.com/story/how-bill-gates-is-tied-to-the-success-starbucks/
When a competitor tried to buy Starbucks, Howard Schultz was rescued by Bill Gates Sr.
Howard Schultz Insane Story about Bill Gates and his dad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDHGgiTErAQ
Bain Company Profile https://www.vault.com/company-profiles/management-strategy/bain-company
Breaking Down Bain Capital https://www.npr.org/2012/01/14/145235049/breaking-down-bain-capital
Bain: A Consulting Firm Too Hot to Handle? http://archive.is/qK0hu
Mitt Romney, Netanyahu are old friends https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/08/us/politics/mitt-romney-and-benjamin-netanyahu-are-old-friends.html
A Closer Look at Cheney and Halliburtton https://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/28/us/a-closer-look-at-cheney-and-halliburton.html
Agricultural Industry Secrets https://usrtk.org/a-few-other-things-the-agrichemical-industry-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about-them-crimes-scandals-and-other-wrongdoing/#_ftn38
Mengele Chemikal was part of Monsanto
Who are the driving forces behind Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods? https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/travel-food/article/3015024/who-are-driving-forces-behind-beyond-meat-and
Starbucks Drink Ingredients List https://foodbabe.com/starbucks-finally-publishes-drink-ingredient-list/
Romney, debt, and Bain’s way https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/article/20120130/NEWS/301309403
The action we should be doing is to check this…
And figure out what the Daily Talking Points are for Wednesday
Then we are supposed to counterMEME those talking points
And get one or more of our hashtags trending.
The daily talking points went out almost 2 hours ago
So now they should be appearing in all the major media news feeds
And we still have 3 more hours before most of America checks the morning news.
Dick Cheney, Bain and Company, Mitt Romney
They are evil as they come and they ain't Democrats.
Not true. They only do it to the few who they believe can be big moneymakers. The rest are on the OUTSIDE of the club
And just work for wages like the rest of us.
No, television is Tavistock mind control
It's quite different from MK-Ultra which starts with torturing you to the edge of death.
Tavistock is all about time and jerking around the emotions to disable your logical thinking ability.
Tavistock is hery heavy in late night comedy shows
Like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert
That was a public hearing where they were doing a limited hangout to cover up the actual facts of what was being done. Part of that was mixing up the names of the really evil stuff which actually created usable slaves with medical research stuff that seemed silly and purposeless.
MK Ultra was scientifically managed and accelerated, therefore less costly, Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Tavistock is scientifically designed pilpul.
Two very different things. Also, Tavistock was developed in Britain. MK Ultra in the USA based on German family techniques from the Nazi occultists.
She doesn't have any balls either
But does it make any difference?
A real cliffhanger waiting for tomorrow's answer…
BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts
Look what news the FakeNews buried by not reporting
An explosive new video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) contradicts past claims from Planned Parenthood that the corporation never participated in the sale of aborted baby body parts but merely donated them and was compensated for expenses. Featuring testimony from Planned Parenthood officials under oath in 2019, as well as documents from those officials’ admissions, the video shows these executives and directors admitting to actually selling body parts, which is illegal.
Numerous depositions are featured in the video, including from Tram Nguyen (Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s Senior Director of Abortion Access), Dr. Dorothy Furgerson (Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte), and Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the former senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, among others. More testimony and documents are available on the CMP website.
No its a cold.
The common cold is caused by either
or Coronavirus
or Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
But all of them can kill you if your defenses are wekened
And they begin pneumonia
Which tends to have a self reinforcing feedback loop
Leading to death.
This is why those people are so devious.
It's a common cold!!!
The flu is normally more dangerous, especially in the elderly.
Thats why they included all the flu deaths in the COVID stats
No they are not
They are all Monarch mind control which is why they often use butterfly symbolism
When the military Psyops people left the service
They went to work for Hollywood
But there developed a different style of mind control
Because monarch is geared to making super soldiers
And assassins like Jason Bourne
Monarch makes people who can focus on one skill
And perfect that skill like acting in a role
The Monarch slaves often have multiple personalities
For different kinds of roles.
For instance Ariana Grande has one called Cat
Who is the persona called Cat in the TV series
Sam & Cat
These stars also have a separate personality who trains to be interviewed
As well as a sex kitten personality for the owner's entertainment
Clearly sex kittens are useless in MK Ultra military applications
Outside of Red Sparrows which is where the Monarch borrowed it.
>My mother when she was a tween sat in Walt's lap. She lived next door to him in East LA in his back alley studio.
Walt Disney is a special case
Because he is from a bloodline family
So he grew up with Satanic Ritual Abuse
Which did use sexual abuse and sexual grooming techniques.
If Walt did anything for MK Ultra
It was to teach them SRA details
And to make cartoons that could be used with SRA and MKUltra.
He was the half brother to Adolf Hitler.
He had the same father
And his mother was the sister of Adolf's mother.
A traditional British outing in the countryside for England's veterinarians.
All Creatures Great and Small