Are Virginians going to stand up to their Governor?
Tough if enforced…
Starting Friday, masks will be required:
Everyone ages 10 and up
Inside all brick and mortar retail establishments. Both essential and non-essential stores, including grocery stores and pharmacies
Inside all personal care & grooming establishments
Any indoor space shared by groups of people who may congregate within 6 feet of one another or who are in close proximity to each other for more than 10 minutes
Inside food & beverage establishments, except when eating
On public transportation
State and local government buildings and areas where the public accesses services
Entertainment or public amusement establishments, when permitted to open
There are some exceptions to this requirement. Masks will not be required:
For children younger than 2 years old
While eating or drinking
While exercising
If you have trouble breathing or are unable to remove the mask without help
If your health conditions prohibit wearing a face covering
If you’re communicating with a hearing-impaired person, needing your mouth to be visible
It's happening!