I want my vest to be Orange-Man-Bad-color
>Rubber bullets going off right now
Irrefutable evidence that kneeling is solely responsible for all of society's racial tension in the 21st Century
>White House Press Secretary Accidentally Reveals Trump’s Private Banking Info
>It's quite different from MK-Ultra which starts with torturing you to the edge of death.
Do you even research?
There were all types of mind control experiments going on under MK ULTRA. Television being one of many.
Not sure how you're trying to spin this or why.
All I'm saying is that there were many different forms of mind control that fell under the MK ULTRA project. Drugging medical "patients". Abusing prisoners. Tampering with "education". Hypnotists even. All types of shit were going on. And yes, there was also the ritual abuse to inflict psychological traumas in victims from a very young age on.
Not saying the Clowns invented mind control or anything. Just letting you know that their collective "research" (or whatever you wanna call it?) was filed under the MK ULTRA "program".