Who runs Minneapolis? Libtards. /They/ find new ways of losing voters every day. I'm think Trump 40+ states, seriously.
100%. That was the talk right away. I was in Dc and saw Reagan being wheeled into the hospital. He said the OR Doctors, "I hope you're all Republicans." kek .
My mask also has a holster for a .45. Very cool.
My medical condition is Constitutionitis.
The Karen Abides.
You missed out. Be woke. Stay home. Wear a Mask. We're all in this together.
She was so fucking triggered, she couldn't even leash the dog. I'm guessing full libtard. Please, please, please let her have a school media already screenshotted.
That's wild!
Corn Pop questioned my policies. Until I went after him with a piece of chain. Word up, my brother.
~ Creepy
The Kevin would have just shamed her into leashing the dog, but she was WAY too triggered to do that. KEK.
The Battle of the Libtards. KEK
Kayleigh's a lawyer. Yale iIrc.
Why not just paint on black masks? Or wear a hood?
She likes to be choked hard when she's coming and her partner yelling out, "Die! You jihadist bitch!" She's pretty small and light to toss around.
A friend told me.
She's hot. I'd read her Miranda Rights while cuffing her to the bedpost anytime.
It's serious. Buy a rifle. And a sidearm.
Yeah, How's that Mueller thing working out for ya?
And she had to return her choking dog to the shelter. Kek
Local police can easily contain the Auntie Fag/BLM types, they were just ordered not to. I was at some of the "riots." Police could run the whole lot of them in at a moment's notice. Weak.
Bye Felicia.
Old demoncrat boomers, and there are MANY, may not be so leftist with their own 401k's.
What dat? New phone.
Life would be better if all of Europe were armed to the teeth.
Aint that America?
Cuff and Stuff.
If you don't vote Trump, you aint white.
Neglecting to arrest known criminals is itself criminal neglect.
If the corona death tolls are adjusted for accuracy, it will be, like so….
Zat you, Malcolm?
Totes, Bro. Mueller totally whiffed, so incompetent.
Demoralization is a big part of my libtard engagement strategy. You must be ruthless, and skip directly to the last parts of Alinsky to destroy them.
Bingo Bongo Bango