Refute chaos until chaos is the vary last alternative. To do anything else is to give in to what "they" want and hope for………
Refute chaos until chaos is the vary last alternative. To do anything else is to give in to what "they" want and hope for………
>>9328840 Over simplified……….
If its not the truth it 's not news. The press is only protected in that they are supposed to report facts. It is a very special aspect of freedom of the press. YES opinions are allowed but must be stated as such. Anything falsehood portrayed as news/fact that is disruptive to the nation's well being could be sited as subversion and or a possible act of insurrection should their promoting of info cause undo harm to individuals that would never have happened if the truth were told and or should the info disrupt govt affairs such as an election. Libel only works if its news .. Covid -19 has been blown out of proportion, lies have been told about Russia gate, networks continue to promote a false narrative that has caused the country harm in many ways. People may have even died due to poor reporting influencing standards of care. If its not news it's propaganda /falsehoods . It's like screaming fire in a theatre. Their license to broadcast as a News station will be challenged . Cable broadcasting is different but I'm sure there is some pain waiting for them as well. CIA operatives/ journalist knowingly deceiving America is not a light matter and to think the owners do not know what is happening is idiotic. The shares of stock will be confiscated by the treasury killing these networks. They will be reorganized to protect shareholders but the head of the snakes will have been cut off. Someone else chime in here if I got something wrong on this. Every day of reporting just piles more evidence against these bastards traitors to the nation.
Happy your still with us Anon.
"Vengeance is mine say the Lord"….but it doesn't we can't deliver curb side.
I think there are several possibilities.
YES China may have bio engineered the virus.but that doesn't mean they let it out . remember DS has bad actors all over the world. Q eluded to China not cleaning house good enough. WHAT IF there were US double agents embedded in the lab China though these people were their spies having been sent to the US to gain data etc. These double agents were also DS CIA . To start a war wouldn't it plausible for DS agents to let Covid-19 escape making it look like the Chinese were responsible. On paper it looks like they might be but digging deeper it was really possibly DS agents who did this on China's watch. Somethings cannot be disclosed. So who's fault would it be then ? Not China but DS CIA double agents. remember China tried clearing house of spies a while back but some were too embedded to find…………………………..just a thought. Remember war war war was the lefts constant warning. Anything to start one, anything!
The China US blame game goes both ways. China should have reported it earlier but ego got in the way in that their counter intelligence failed and we weren't going to give them a list of names for the sake of exposing our 100% known good agents embedded amongst their ranks.
This is a prime example of the end game not being worth the fight because some leaders fail see to humanity as a whole on this rock not just what they control inside their borders.. Human ego