Q, just popping on to ask a question:
Why (truthfully) do we not order controlled nuclear strikes on ALL virology labs throughout the world, as well as CERN, and other (known only to you) crucial targets that would ensure the safety of mankind against these man-made pandemics, deadly vaccinations, and The Mark of the Beast that Bill Gates is so assiduously ensuring we are all about to be implanted with or martyred without?
There is no way that Bill Gates (and his ilk) can be allowed to continue living, and these labs of horror to continue to exist. They should never have been allowed to be free even this long. We do not NEED research in to viruses - at least not naturally-occurring ones, and certainly not bad enough for these sick perverts to manipulate viruses against nature in order to destroy 7 billion of us. I would rather recurrences of the Black Plague ad infinitum to knowing that we are creating man-made horrors of infinitely-worse variety.
Why are you silent on these issues? Millions upon millions of us are stressed to the breaking point about this. I get it, God wins, but if you KNOW that this is the Mark of the Beast, it would be nice to get a heads up. If you are attempting to ensure that billions actually TAKE the mark, well, that is the current direction our world-of-karens is heading. Is that what you mean by "The Ending will be BIBLICAL?" Because, I honestly wonder. Many of us are blow-hards who, if pressed, will wind up taking this vacc/chip to avoid swat teams showing up and taking our kids (sorry, gang, but you KNOW most people will cave). There will be very few (even devout Christians) who will have the fortitude to stand their ground against contact-tracers and mandatory vaxxers. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit gives more of us strength to resist than I feel will do otherwise.