To the stupid fuck posting videos / pics and song lyrics, fuck you, I see you black hat faggot
You fucks forget, some anons have been through all the boards, 4chan, 8chan, and then here.
Some anons remember the videos of black and white, thinly veiled threats.
Posts in cyrillic.
The Firewatchers.
You black hats better watch what you say
For anons and military combined, are more powerful than you maggots.
Aww, pissed off I called all your butt buddies out?
Sorry, you and your black hat friends no longer have any power, and all of you know it.
How sad your life must be, to sell your soul to the devil only for a taste of power, a false sense of power, even.
Don't worry, anons aren't violent.. anons know justice will be served in accordance to the laws of the land, and all of your traitor friends WILL HANG!
Don't forget muh aliens, bluebeam…etc.
Fuck off, nigger
Guarantee your a cia glowfaggot working for mockingbird media, throwing shit and seeing where it might stick.