So…just a little missive on "Frame of Reference" and how a lack of the intellectual acuity necessary to understand the words, the meaning…and how it directly effects the individual…is why we, today, thanks to the intellectually inferior globalist-scum/demonrat-scum/rino-double scum (because one can expect a demonrat to act like snail-slime but one would hope that those ostensibly putting themselves forth as 'allies' would in fact be 'allies' instead of a gaggle of bloodsuckers); are close to being truly fckd. A situation only ameliorated by President Trump and the entire Q-Team and those loyal Patriots surrounding and supporting President Trump…and his family.
"Frame of Reference" is so important in understanding life and how to deal with life that we usually don't think about it. We analyze nearly everything based on our own Frame of Reference…what we would - perhaps - do, given a specific set of circumstances, is how we assume everyone else would react. That flies also between nations; one nation views another nation's takeover plans and believes that nation will react the same way the viewing nation would act…it's not always so but it often causes war!
The globalist scum and the unwashed vermin hiding in the demonrat/republican ranks view 'us' according to [their] Frame of Reference. To [them] - scum like puhlousy, schlimer, shitft and the penguin, pedowood residents etc. - never having actually worked a day in their life to support their family, their kids, deal with a mortgage on a month-to-month basis or deal with a bi-weekly, heavily deducted paycheck, they have absolutely no concept of the reality for REAL PEOPLE.
That's how you can get wastes-of-skin like nancy antionette telling people that if they just eat ice cream it will be fine, stay home for 6 months until the economy of the country is destroyed and the will of the people is destroyed and as soon as the slime have power again…all will be fine; separate from society, don't communicate with others, only get information from one source, cover yourself if you go out so people wont talk to you and you will be identified as someone who also doesn't want to talk to anyone - it will be fine.
On the other hand, I've never had a couple hundred million bucks like puhlousy so hard for me to see into the black depths of her 'Frame of Reference' but it seems to be awfully anti-America, anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-Bill of Rights, anti-science, anti-thought; but perhaps it's just that I've never been a corrupted demonrat politician nor one of soros's hand puppets so…there's that.
Learning someone's Frame of Reference is important. Another example is what to most 'westerners' is a positive gesture: the 'thumb's up' - is not viewed so elsewhere. In Iran for example it carries the 'raised middle finger' idea and all the baggage that it carries.
Wonder if nancy antionette can understand my meaning when I note that guillotines became popularized when her namesake insulted the PEOPLE and that once the information comes out that she KNOWINGLY cooperated in the plandemic…will perhaps become popularized again? If she does, she should inform the rest of her tiny-minded crew. She should also realize that age is no barrier…the blade will just slice more efficiently.
Good thing is though, they are SO stupid they actually thought that AMERICA would fall! The unbelievable stupidity that could even entertain such a thought is simply mind-boggling…but they went ahead anyway! They are so stupid they thought AMERICANS would, en masse, willingly surrender their freedom! Some did of course and some still have but they are a tiny moronial minority and insignificant to the future…they can come along or watch from afar, their choice. The globalist scum and the unwashed vermin they so easily corrupted and used to promote, facilite and prolong suffering are perhaps the stupidest people on the face of the earth simply because they never understood AMERICA or AMERICANS…and the end result is already developing and it will show that AMERICANS will revive the nation completely, totally and fairly and the evil WILL fall but because they don't have the right Frame of Reference, [their] time in prison - however short it is, depending on the date of their execution - will likely be very eye-opening for them.
It truly is time to Make America, America Again!