Rise Up, like with what, wagging fingers? You got something more potent in mind, say it.
So… walk over to the FBI and drag Wray out by the ear.
Raising an ineffectual hand in the general direction of a Police Hero, is a death sentence. Are you suggesting they could somehow get the drop on him before he calls in air support?
Lead the way. Stop saying YOU, when you should be saying We or I.
Hey “Intelligence Community”… pick up what’s being laid down here. You won’t have any future to be proud of if you can’t get your lying shit straightened out.
Be it simply an open palm slap to the face, to unloading several mags…
Fighting a “contact tracer”, CPS, or an overreaching LEO… will only be seen as criminal by the very public still entranced by lies in Media.
(You) just happened to not be there. When the time comes, (you’ll) be sure to body slam the uniformed criminal, right? Let’s hope OUR actions at such a moment aren’t turned and twisted out of context by lying Media which still holds sway with the general public. Right?
That’s the closest I’ve heard to telling Them the truth, while giving Them an out NOT to call Health Police.
The “spark” could be some incident demonstrating how the conditioning can be broken, WITHOUT setting off an inferno flying across town.
You’re going to have a hard time of “fighting” a general public mindfucked by the State, backed up by roid ragers with guns, backup, air support and magical badges viewed by Media as Heroes.
If the general public wasn’t hypnotized, it would have happened quick and easy by now. Talk about how to break the ‘spell’ and you’ll get more traction with your fighting idea.