It is the population AT LARGE that has been brainwashed AGAINST the constitution… and LEOs that want it that way. POTUS and/or especially the so called “Intelligence Community” has the power to break the spell… yet they don’t. For me, that’s what I call a clue.
An Intelligence Community that is not, yet my family, friends and neighbors think they are. Reconcile.
Wrong reference. Was meant for ShameShill.
I don’t think the word ‘provocateur’ means what you think it means.
“brainwash people into staying sheep and licking the boots of their masters.“
Like I said, you’re using the word provocateur wrong.
(Love you anon, just say’n) And where praytell does one find “real true info’ to do battle with lies told by Media holding the public spellbound?
Provocative incites ‘action’, you’re talking about inaction. You’re talking about spellbinding people to cower and hide. Make up your mind.
Strains my hopium in the fable of the “good cop”.
The intell deception about WMDs was MORE recent and MORE deadly… why spend the time on dingbat Joe when there are crimes much much closer to the White House that a POTUS should care about?
He could expose FAKE intell being used to support fake news being used to fuck the minds of the public…
Exposing Fake Joe hardly becomes POTUS with command over lies told by government.