ID: 0bd60e May 27, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.9330954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1163

>>9330748 (PB)

LL is Edward Teller's old lab, built for him the make the 'super' since no one at Los Alamos would work with him after his testimony against (actually not 'for') Robert Oppenheimer.


LL is now home to UK citizen and cult mega-shill Ben Santer who is one of the shills responsible for the climate change hoax.


Santer writes a "science" article almost ever month is Scientific American magazine (while working at LL.


>LESSON 1: Scientific ignorance can be fatal—particularly if it starts with the U.S. president and trickles down from there. It was scientifically incorrect for Donald Trump to dismiss the coronavirus as no worse than the seasonal flu, as he did on February 26.


Santer has written 17 articles listed on Sciam website of those 16 directly attack POTUS. Santer is not a scientist, he is a cultist operator and currently employed at Lawrence Livermore by USG.


Cult operators love the so-called 'double-banger" when the cultist operator makes We the People pay for our own destruction.


IE they make money selling us what they are using to kill us, drugs, pornography or bad ideas or hate. When we are tempted to personalize these forces we are tempted to hate. Hate is the emotion that prevents us from seeing and understanding how the cult uses our emotions against us.

ID: 0bd60e May 27, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.9331304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wonder if McChrystal is using same social media manipulation software developed in Rand Waltzman's 200 M at DARPA program?



> July 14, 2011 – while I was a Program Manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) – I published a Broad Agency Announcement (DARPA-BAA-11-64), a call for proposals, for a program I created called Social Media in Strategic Communication (SMISC). The BAA said the program would be funded in the amount of $42M and with additions of various types it ended up at about $50M by the time it basically concluded four years later. This was a remarkable program and, I believe, somewhat ahead of its time. I am extremely proud to have organized and managed SMISC. The real credit, of course, goes to the researchers who achieved the many fantastic results and made them available to the entire world. Over 200 papers were published and I am including, at least a partial, bibliography of these publications with this post. And there are many more results that I will describe in a future posting. No classified work of any kind was supported in connection with SMISC. Everything was completely public and out in the open.


>The general goal of the Social Media in Strategic Communication (SMISC) program is to develop a new science of social networks built on an emerging technology base. Through the program, DARPA seeks to develop tools to help identify misinformation or deception campaigns and counter them with truthful information, reducing adversaries' ability to manipulate events.


To accomplish this, SMISC will focus research on linguistic cues, patterns of information flow and detection of sentiment or opinion in information generated and spread through social media. Researchers will also attempt to track ideas and concepts to analyze patterns and cultural narratives. If successful, they should be able to model emergent communities and analyze narratives and their participants, as well as characterize generation of automated content, such as by bots, in social media and crowd sourcing.


SMISC researchers will create a closed and controlled environment where large amounts of data are collected, with experiments performed in support of development and testing. One example of such an environment might be a closed social media network of 2,000 to 5,000 people who have agreed to conduct social media-based activities in this network and agree to participate in required data collection and experiments. This network might be formed within a single organization, or span several. Another example might be a role-player game where use of social media is central to that game and where players have again agreed to participate in data collection and experiments.


Researchers will be required to certify that no personally identifiable information (PII) for U.S. participants was collected, stored or created in contravention to federal privacy laws, regulations or DoD policies. SMISC researchers will not be provided PII from any other government agency or outside source.


DARPA conducts its works within legal and ethical constraints and has taken a leadership role in the science and technology community to address privacy and ethical, legal and societal implications (ELSI).>>9036842


> Proposers submitting classified proposals or requiring access to


classified information during the lifecycle of the effort shall ensure all industrial,


personnel, and information system processing security requirements (e.g., facility


clearance (FCL), personnel security clearance (PCL), certification and accreditation (C&A))


are in place and at the appropriate level, and any foreign ownership control and influence


(FOCI) issues are mitigated prior to submission or access.

ID: 0bd60e May 27, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.9331329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1390

Since the cult's existence depends on the effective function of their social control system they adapt proven methods, already shown successful elsewhere in nature.


>Some parasites alter host behavior by infecting neurons in the host's central nervous system. The host's central nervous system responds to the parasite as it would to any other infection. The hallmarks of such response include local inflammation and the release of chemicals such as cytokines. The immune response itself is responsible for induced behavioral changes in many cases of parasitic infection.


A parasite can influence the endocrine system to encourage docility and alter sexual drives and gender preferences. With regular doses of hormones women can be influenced to adopt male roles, while similarly men can be feminized to create a docile, submissive conformist social order.


>Parasites that induce behavioral changes in their hosts often exploit the regulation of social behavior in the brain.[48] Social behavior is regulated by neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, in the emotional centers of the brain – primarily the amygdala and the hypothalamus, and although parasites may be capable of stimulating specific neurochemical pathways to induce behavioral changes, evidence suggests that they alter neurochemical communication through broad rather than specific targeting


the cult's goal was/is to create a highly suggestible slave population.


Charles Lieber (Harvard)


>In 2011, Lieber was named by Thomson Reuters as the leading chemist in the world for the decade 2000-2010 based on the impact of his scientific publications.


Lieber was recently arrested with two CHN nationals.


Lieber was the world's leading expert in the interface of natural and synthetic biology or nano tech systems.


>The Lieber group is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale, harnessing the unique physical properties of novel nanomaterials to push scientific boundaries in biology and medicine.


Charles Lieber was Chairman of both the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry departments.


Nanotech biological systems can deliver small molecule drugs or synthesize or assemble neurotransmitters,augmenting of diminuating instinctual drives to change our behavior.


Anyone who looks at Lieber's 37 page CV can see how an ill-disposed entity making use of this technology can create subtle silent weapons to change our behavior without our being aware of it.


Charles Lieber was/is the world's leading expert in nano biochemistry. where offensive and defensive nanotech weapons bloom.


Nothing in MSM shill media about the arrest of the world's leading expert, the Chairman of two departments at the US most prestigious university?


The US has been working on nanotech ever since Richard Feynman suggested it in 1959


Feynman directed attention to the wide open spaces as we descend by orders of magnitude to nanoscale. In nano land Feynman foresaw we could and would build machines which can do remarkable things.


Synthesize a sex hormone with a molecular assembler, a stupefying chemical, a steroid to increase muscle mass, or a hormone to engender same sex preference. There are even known molecular assemblera which synthesize explosives, they're used by bombardier beetles.


Charles Lieber is the world's leading expert in this bleeding edge nanotech. Publically arrested with two Chinese nationals in middle of a pandemic of Chinese origin.


Probability approaches 1 nano tech offensive and defensive systems are deployed and in use.5G might be a factor if it offers advantages when used to manipulate engineered parasites like synthetic biological organisms.


There's long been speculation by anons about the 'internal' front Charles Lieber's arrest is as much confirmation as we will likely get.


The Foresight Institute is scientists (including Eric Drexler) with nano safety concerns. A Foresight article mentions the Russians use the tech, no mention of the active Chinese program at all points a fat renminbi finger at CCP Chy-Nah.


nano tech has a design criteria for fail safe - to avoid the 'grey goo' problem.


There's meant to be an off switch in the event thing get out of hand and the nano orgs reproduce uncontrollably.The off switch may be hydroxychloroquine Z packs and zinc - or something else.

ID: 0bd60e May 27, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.9331402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the troubled worlds of the five kinds of defilement,

Sentient beings are only attached to various desires,

And ultimately do not seek the path of the buddhas.

In the future the impure will hear

The Buddha teach the single vehicle,

But they will be confused and will not accept it.

They will reject the Dharma

And fall into the troubled states of being.

To those who are modest and pure,

And seek the path of the buddhas,

I will praise extensively

The path of the single vehicle.

O Sariputra!

You should know that the Dharma

Of all the buddhas is like this.

They teach the Dharma

With myriads of ko?is of skillful means,

According to the capacities of sentient beings;

The inexperienced cannot understand this.

You have come to know with certainty the skillful means

Of the buddhas, the Teachers of the World,

That are expounded in accordance

With people’s capacities.

All of you, have no further doubts!

Let great joy arise in your hearts

And know that you will all become buddhas