OB >>9326632
Everyone hates this word…watch this.
So, here is some more truth Pepe. See, the Koreans farm animals live better than them cuz that’s the tax they pay. They have to raise a pig or cow for their elite. But, they only get dog. They hate what they have to do too, but they is hungry. Oh gluttonous American humans…
That’s reconciliation.
Veterans, past and present!
2 rounds per bread.
Truth rounds w/ reconciliation
We are the news, the truth and the future. We gonna need pages/placeholders for these. Remain anonymous! Make one for Q too, his stuff is for only those who must look. No when to say when.
I was wrong about looking glass, think mirror. ((They)) stay up, they will confirm. Why, cuz WWG1WGA! I bet we don’t get past HRC 10th year of age before we are pouring mercy and compassion on her. That’s love, and when we can do that, well, the Creator is gonna do likewise.
Put on just one of their shoes, betcha can’t. Y’all that bondage under Christianity waz bad, gosh, think about being a molested child, compromised as an adult and made into politicians, actors and elite…they slave y’all. We all need to save ourselves and we do that by sharing truths and reconciliation. Got it Pepe?