History proves that issues such as those facing the U.S. and all humanity are always solved by violent war.
Why will this time be different than all of history?
History proves that issues such as those facing the U.S. and all humanity are always solved by violent war.
Why will this time be different than all of history?
>and keep red-pilling folks
red pill them with the Q drops about covid 2 years before it hit.
thatll wake em up.
Britain controlled hongkong for decades and gave it away in 1997.
How the fuck is this our problem now?
> in the street shooting traitors, liberals, satanists, and democrats
yes they'll stay home and we'll send them checks instead.
> I'm politely asking for some arrest and FULL declass, us Patriots already know. Give us our TRANSPARENCY Q. Bring the Frickin PAIN Already, it's getting ridiculous out here.
thats why society ALWAYS resorts to violence.
being polite gets you nothing but ignored.