Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9333155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3513 >>3767



>>9332429 Fauci: Hydroxychloroquine not effective against coronavirus

>>9332709 ATTENTION PRESIDENT TRUMP: Vote-By-Mail a DISASTER In Oregon! WRONG Ballots Sent To Thousands of Voters, Non Citizens Automatically Registered, Tech Tyrants Silencing Those Who Speak Out

>>9332735 In Landmark Decision, Pompeo Tells Congress Hong Kong No Longer Independent From China

>>9332813 More than 60% of nursing homes fail to test all residents, staff members for COVID-19

>>9332859 Obama Held Official State Dinner with Italy Three Days Before Carter Page FISA Warrant Kicked Off

>>9332879 Google Drive Takes Down PERSONAL Copy Of “Plandemic”

>>9332897 Boeing Slashes 6,770 US Workers, Sees No Recovery In Air Travel For "Years"

>>9333034 Rod Rosenstein will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week about Crossfire Hurricane



Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9333174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HALF of positive coronavirus antibody tests could be wrong & give false sense of security – top US health agency


Antibody tests used to confirm whether someone has ever had the coronavirus could be wrong half of the time, driving bad policy decisions, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a top federal health agency, said in a new guidance on Tuesday that during mass screenings in various populations, up to half of the positive results from antibody tests – also known as serologic tests – could be false, warning there are still major obstacles in determining who has been infected or what immunity they might have.


The unreliable tests shouldn’t inform decisions about moving potential patients to “congregate settings” – such as schools, dormitories or jails – nor choices “about returning persons to the workplace,” the CDC said.


But even when a patient is “truly positive” for antibodies, the agency said the result still doesn’t prove that the individual is “protected from future infection” or immune to the virus.


Serologic testing should not be used to determine immune status in individuals until the presence, durability, and duration of immunity is established.


The rate of false positive and negative test results heavily depends on the overall number of infections in a population. If a relatively low proportion of people in a given area have contracted the virus – five percent, for example – the CDC says even a highly sensitive and specific test will still yield a significant number of false positives, up to 51 percent.


In other words, less than half of those testing positive will truly have antibodies.


Echoing the new guidance, a research team at the University of Minnesota has also warned about antibody tests, issuing a report last week cautioning that they should not be used as a “diagnostic tool” given their inaccuracy.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9333203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Whip Steve Scalise announces he will whip against the FISA reauthorization bill


Trump tweeted his opposition to the bill Tuesday


House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) announced on a conference call with Republican colleagues Wednesday that he will be whipping against the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reauthorization bill, according to Fox News' Mike Emmanuel.


The bill, officially termed the USA Freedom Reauthorization Act of 2020, was passed by the Senate and sent back to the House earlier this month. But according to Politico, the bill, which aims to renew key domestic surveillance powers, was only passed after civil libertarians were able to add amendments limiting those powers.


Following the Senate vote, Justice Department national security spokesman Marc Raimondi said in a statement that the amendments to the bill "would unacceptably degrade our ability to conduct surveillance of terrorists, spies and other national security threats."


Despite the changes, on Tuesday, President Trump put pressure on Republicans in the House by tweeting out his opposition to the bill.


"I hope all Republican House Members vote NO on FISA until such time as our Country is able to determine how and why the greatest political, criminal, and subversive scandal in USA history took place!" Trump wrote.


In the tweet, the president made mention of allegations that the Obama administration improperly used the federal government's surveillance powers, specifically the FISA process, to spy on his incoming administration in 2016. After all, it was the FISA warrant process that launched the FBI's probe into the Trump campaign.


In a report last December, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that FBI officials "fell far short" of bureau policy by making at least "17 significant errors" in its FISA applications.


Since then, newly declassified documents from the FBI's investigation into Trump's former national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn have further raised questions about the Obama administration's use of surveillance powers on the retired general.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9333240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3252 >>3513 >>3767

Germany Bans Hezbollah, How is Germany important to Hezbollah?


How is Germany important to Hezbollah?

Following in the footsteps of the United States of America and The United Kingdom, authorities in Germany recently announced a complete ban on the activities of the Lebanese “Hezbollah” in Germany. After it revealed a serious intention to take such a step several months ago, security forces in Germany began a campaign to pursue and besiege each of the militia’s followers on German soil; This places Hezbollah in a real predicament, given their vital dependence on an external network of supporters spread throughout the world.


Institutions and centers

Germany represents one of the countries that has witnessed an extensive spread of Hezbollah institutions, religious centers and associations, and it seeks to mobilize support for it. According to a report published by “Fox News” based on German intelligence reports issued last year, there are 1050 Hezbollah operatives active in Germany, and that about 30 mosques and cultural centers on German soil have links to Hezbollah.


Hezbollah is facing a real dilemma with increasing pressure on its branches and the pursuit of its working with institutions in the countries of the world; especially those responsible for providing and transporting money. The German Ministry of the Interior indicated that the authorities are investigating mosques and associations linked to “Hezbollah”, on charges related to financial support and propaganda for the militia in Europe.


The “Fox News” report also revealed intelligence information in Bremen, stating that the “Mustafa Community Center“, controlled by “Hezbollah”, is a major fundraising center for the Militia, and it worked to send funds directly to its headquarters in Beirut.


Hezbollah, by setting up an infrastructure of this size for Hezbollah in Germany, opens wide questions about its tasks; whether at the level of money transfers or prohibited trade, pointing out that there is an intelligence war to reveal what Hezbollah is doing in more than one country in the world, and this has lead to an organized international campaign against the Militia.


Hezbollah has an external operations unit that is trying to find a foothold in all areas vital to the militia; Either in Latin America or in Europe.


An important step

Canada, the United States, Britain, the Netherlands, Israel, the League of Arab States, and a number of Latin American countries currently entirely ban the organization of Hezbollah; but the European Union banned only the “military wing” of Hezbollah in 2013, while allowing its “political wing” to operate in Europe.


Hezbollah has always relied on a network connections to the organization, associations, and foundations in many countries of the world; with the aim of mobilizing financing on the one hand, and finding logistical headquarters for its activities on the other hand. Germany’s recent ban has put the organization in a predicament.


The German government justified its important move to besiege the militia because of its “continuing to demand the annihilation of Israel” in addition to the party’s responsibility for the killing of many people in different regions around the world; among them are hundreds of thousands of Syrians.


Germany is of great importance to the party; it is considered a safe haven for some of its members, and this is what the German Foreign Ministry said, noting that “the party is working to collect donations in Germany and Europe through all the organizations and associations that have close ties with Arab and Islamic countries”.


The German step is very important because it opens the door for more countries in Europe to follow their example. In Germany, there are no official institutions that work directly for Hezbollah. This made the tracking task difficult, but the authorities succeeded in confining them and storming them in several German cities after the ban was issued.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9333273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3292 >>3300 >>3303 >>3304 >>3513 >>3767

Hollywood Celebrates Twitter Fact Checking Trump on Vote By Mail: ‘Welcome to Accountability B**ch’


Hollywood celebrities are gloating over Twitter’s decision to slap President Donald Trump with a “fact check” of his recent tweets about vote by mail. Stars including Rob Reiner, Dave Bautista, George Takei, and Alyssa Milano have voiced their approval of Twitter’s actions against the president.


Twitter has appended a link to the bottom of two tweets from President Trump, encouraging people to “Get the facts about mail-in ballots.” The link takes users to a Twitter landing page that calls the president’s claims about potential voter fraud “unsubstantiated.”


But Twitter relied solely on left-wing media organizations CNN, NBC News, and The Washington Post as its fact-checking sources.


Anti-Trump filmmaker Rob Reiner tweeted “adios amigo” after Twitter’s action on Tuesday.


Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista called the president a “bitch.”


Alyssa Milano claimed that Twitter is “correcting” President Trump’s “lies.”


Community star Ken Jeong also gloated over Twitter’s actions against the president.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9333278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3313

Here Are The Americans Most In Bed With The Chinese Government

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9333299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3341 >>3720

Twitter’s Trump ‘Fact Check’ Does Not Disclose Company Partnered with Groups Pushing Mail-In Ballots


Twitter for the first time put a fact-check label on tweets from President Trump, using the controversial tactic on messages in which the president complained there is “no way” that “mail-in ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.”


It may be instructive that Twitter seized on the mail-in balloting tweets as the first issue from Trump’s rapid fire social media feed to slap with a fact-check label. Twitter did not disclose in its so-called fact-check it is partners with two groups financed by leftist donors that engage in voter participation efforts, including drives pushing mail-in balloting.


Twitter sits on the “Premier Partner” list of one of those groups alongside ViacomCBS, the merger of Viacom and CBS. Twitter’s so-called fact-check about Trump’s mail-in balloting cited CBS political reporter Grace Segers vouching for mail-in voting.


Analysts have posited such proposals help the Democratic Party. Republicans specifically fear the prospect of voter fraud, since mail-in voting would be harder to authenticate.


Yesterday, Trump tweeted the following, earning him the badge reading “Get the facts about mail-in ballots”:


Twitter did not disclose it is an active “Premier Partner” of Vote Early Day 2020, an election advocacy group seeking to educate voters that they can cast their ballots prior to Election Day, including via the vote-by-mail option.


The front page of the group’s website promotes mail-in balloting, telling voters that “more states are adopting additional Vote Early options, such as vote-by-mail, and we are expecting these changes to increase voter turnout. We want everyone to know their options.”


The organization suggests voters “throw a party or parade” so “friends can come together to fill-in their mail-in ballots.”


The website states:


Through parties at the polls and community parades to early voting sites, organizations across the country will inspire more Americans to vote early. Even in states without in-person early voting, friends can come together to fill-in their mail-in ballots.


The group’s mission statement includes mail-in options (emphasis added):


When Americans vote early, they ensure that last minute problems will not prevent them from casting their ballots – and help shorten voting lines on Election Day for everyone. But voting early rules – both for in-person and by-mail options – vary widely all over the country, causing confusion and preventing voters from casting their ballots. We’re here to make voting early easier. Given our current conditions with COVID-19, having multiple options to safely cast your ballot is critical.


Vote Early Day openly states it is supported by one organization: “Vote Early Day is a holiday for all Americans supported by a project at New Venture Fund.”

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9333376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3426 >>3444

Mexican National Guardsmen, Marines Apparently Escort Cartel Drug Loads


Mexican authorities are apparently helping move drug loads from clandestine beach landings to distribution points in Michoacán. The alleged escorts are National Guardsmen and Marines intended to keep rival cartels at bay.


For several weeks, Breitbart Texas spoke with locals and documented military patrols in Michoacán. The illegal escorts come as the newly formed National Guard, a campaign promise delivered by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is plagued with allegations of corruption and inefficacy. Despite Lopez Obrador’s previous reassurances, the National Guard managed to be implicated in numerous acts of corruption and extortion.


Breitbart Texas and locals witnessed members of Mexico’s Navy and National Guard escorting cocaine shipments in full uniform duty vehicles. Breitbart Texas managed to identify three vehicles, #610170, #610231, and 610228, as they apparently provided security to the cartel shipments.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9333414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487

Anti-Cummings MP Pressures Boris to Delay Brexit After Eurocrat Makes Fresh Demand for Extension


The EU’s trade negotiator Michel Barnier has launched a fresh offer to extend the transition period by two years in response to requests from British Opposition MPs including Scottish separatist Ian Blackford, who has recently put pressure on the prime minister to sack Dominic Cummings over alleged lockdown breaches.


Responding to a letter from May 15th from Blackford’s Scottish National Party (SNP), the Liberal Democrats, the Welsh separatist Plaid Cymru, and other fringe Europhile groups, Mr Barnier wrote: “Such an extension of up to one or two years can be agreed jointly by the two parties.


“The European Union has always said that we remain open on this matter. Any extension decision has to be taken by the Joint Committee before July 1, and must be accompanied by an agreement on a financial contribution by the United Kingdom.”


Mr Blackford, who is the Westminster leader for the SNP, pressured Prime Minister Boris Johnson to accept a delay to the UK leaving the EU’s institutions which would also prevent the implementation of any new trade deals.


He tweeted on Wednesday that Mr Johnson, who has an 80-seat majority built on his pledge to deliver on the 2016 vote to leave the European Union, must “agree an extension to prevent another crisis”.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9333449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The United Nations New World Order Project



The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9333475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3513 >>3524 >>3534 >>3767

Anger After Croatian Capital City Replaces Pride Flags with Pro-Life Banners


EU-sponsored activists have responded with fury after LGBT ‘pride’ flags flown in the Croatian capital were replaced with pro-life banners.


Flags marking the anti-abortion March for Life, which was postponed due to the novel coronavirus, were erected in Zagreb on Sunday, to the anger of LGBT activists.


Zagreb Pride tweeted that authorities in the city “have decided to replace the rainbow-coloured flags, symbols of diversity and love, with March flags wanting to ban women from making decisions about their bodies”.


Posting photographs of the capital city, the group complained that March for Life flags are “very expensive” and tweeted a link to its donations page, which tells readers to “be on the right side of history and support us”.


On its website, Zagreb Pride — a self-proclaimed “queer feminist and anti-fascist association” — says that it receives funding from Hungarian billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations as well as the governments of Sweden and the U.S.


In addition, it reveals that EU taxpayers are paying for Zagreb Pride to carry out the project “Diversity and Childhood – Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe”, taking place across nine European countries.


Organisers for the March for Life said that the pro-life event would take place later in the year, when the public health situation improves, telling local media: “Flags were flown yesterday, but the [event] will not take place in May.”


On Wednesday, the left-green coalition of the Workers’ Front, We Can!, Zagreb is OURS, and the New Left slammed the move to replace LGBT ‘pride’ flags with banners in support of life.


The parties, which are running as a coalition in upcoming parliamentary elections, accused Zagreb mayor Milan Bandić of sending a message to conservative voters that he will be their “protector” and support their events, according to Croatian media.


Danijela Dolenec from We Can! argued that authorities should not cooperate with pro-life initiatives, claiming that they “trample on women’s rights and on LGBT people”.


Katarina Peović, from the Workers’ Front, added that the problem was not in the removal of rainbow flags alone but in treating these — which she claimed represent “tolerance, human rights, LGBT rights, and women’s right to abort” — as equal to banners representing “the Hate and Intolerance Walk, which is something we should condemn”.


“This kind of equivalence obviously wants to say that tolerance and intolerance are the same,” she said.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9333523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UM Sorcha Faal


Church Of QAnon Arises To Counter Chinese Claim Americans Are Eating Coronavirus Dead


A mind-blowing “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today wondering about the societal-sanity of peoples living through the current “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, questions the wisdom of Communist China this past week having had their main broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) air a movie called “Soylent Green”—a dystopian thriller film produced in America in 1973 wherein its main character Thorn discovers in the year 2022 that the US government is secretly killing people and processing them into a food named “Soylent Green”—and predictably after airing, saw millions of Chinese citizens flooding onto their social media site WeChat to claim that American officials have been processing dead bodies of Chinese coronavirus victims into burgers and feeding them to the masses—an insanity being matched in America, where there it’s now been discovered a new religion is arising—a religion being called the “Church of QAnon” that’s named after an anonymous pro-Trump internet poster who goes by the name of “Q”—and in a just published research article about titled “The Church of QAnon: Will conspiracy theories form the basis of a new religious movement?”, sees Concordia University doctoral student Marc-André Argentino describing about this new religion: “It has two-hour Sunday services with several hundred attendees that consist of prayer, communion, and interpretation of the Bible in light of Q drops and vice versa…The leader’s goal is to train congregants to form their own home congregations in the future and grow the movement”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9333574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3586 >>3590

Jeffrey Epstein had surveillance cameras hidden throughout his properties worldwide in a 'blackmail scheme' to extort his powerful friends, victims tell new Netflix doc about the pedophile


Jeffrey Epstein's surveillance cameras were a 'blackmail scheme' to extort his powerful friends, new Netflix documentary Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich claims

There has long been speculation that Epstein had all of his homes under watch

Virginia Roberts (now Giuffre), one of Epstein's most prominent victims, said the cameras were used as an insurance policy

She said 'when Epstein told me people owe me favors and I'll never get caught and I can get away with it, he meant it'

Other victims including Chauntae Davies and Maria Farmer told the film about Epstein having blackmail on his friends

Some speculated Epstein could have made his $650m fortune by blackmailing his friends, such as Prince Andrew and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Among the others who Epstein knew were Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, magicians David Blaine and David Copperfield, former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and Michael Jackson


Jeffrey Epstein's surveillance cameras were part of a 'blackmail scheme' meant to extort his powerful friends, a major new documentary about the pedophile claims.


Netflix's Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich makes the bombshell claim that will add to the intrigue surrounding his death last August while he was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.


There has long been speculation that Epstein had all his properties under surveillance but Virginia Roberts (now Giuffre), one of Epstein's most prominent victims, revealed in the four-part documentary it was used as an insurance policy.


She said 'when Epstein told me "people owe me favors and I'll never get caught and I can get away with it," he meant it'.


Chauntae Davies, who was a flight attendant on Epstein's jet and was abused by him too, said he had 'a lot of information on people, a lot of blackmail videos'.


Sarah Ransome, another Epstein victim, said if the pedophile had lived, he would have taken 'a lot of people down'.


The documentary also includes other revelations about Epstein, including making light of the allegations against him in 2009 in an interview by saying it was the same as 'jaywalking'.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9333625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648

Head of Twitter's 'site integrity' in charge of fact-checking Trump has previously tweeted the administration are Nazis, compared Kellyanne Conway to Joseph Goebbels and said fly over states are racist


The head of Twitter's fact-checking team has previously tweeted that the Trump

administration are Nazis, compared adviser Kellyanne Conway to Joseph Goebbels and said fly over states are racist.


Yoel Roth, whose official title at Twitter is head of Site Integrity, faced backlash on Wednesday after his history of anti-Trump tweets emerged less than 24 hours after the social media giant put a fact-checking warning on two of the president's tweets.


Twitter prompted readers to check the facts in Trump's tweets after the president on Tuesday suggested that California's mail-in balloting initiative would lead to substantial voter fraud in the November general election.


The social media giant said Trump's claims about mail-in ballots being 'substantially fraudulent' were found to unsubstantiated by fact-checkers at CNN, the Washington Post and other media outlets.


It is the first time Twitter has taken such action against Trump with the company previously resisting calls to censure the president.


Following the move, previous tweets from Roth - who is in charge of the team that investigates misinformation at Twitter - resurfaced, including one in which he suggest the Trump administration were Nazis.



Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9333648   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In a statement, Twitter said that Trump's tweets about mail-in voting did not violate the company's rules because they didn't discourage people from voting.


But Trump's vote-by-mail tweets contained 'potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail-in ballots'.

Twitter said the application of a fact-checking label to Trump's tweets was an extension of its new 'misleading information' policy, introduced earlier this month to combat misinformation about the coronavirus.


It said at the time that it would later extend the COVID-19 policy to other types of disputed or misleading information.

Twitter so far has used its policies sparingly against major political figures but did delete tweets by the presidents of Brazil and Venezuela which violated its coronavirus rules.

Trump has never previously faced Twitter sanctions on his account.


Trump posted the same text about mail-in ballots on his official Facebook page, where the post picked up 170,000 reactions and was shared 17,000 times.


Facebook's policy is to remove content that misrepresents methods of voting or voter registration, but in this case it left the post untouched.


'We believe that people should be able to have a robust debate about the electoral process, which is why we have crafted our policies to focus on misrepresentations that would interfere with the vote,' a Facebook spokesman said.



Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9333678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3721 >>3793

Facebook appoints Israeli censor to oversight board


Facebook has hired the former director-general of Israel’s justice ministry as a member of its new oversight board.


This body will effectively determine what content to censor or permit on the social media platform.


Emi Palmor headed the justice ministry from 2014 until she was dismissed from her post last year.


Under her direction, the Israeli justice ministry “petitioned Facebook to censor legitimate speech of human rights defenders and journalists because it was deemed politically undesirable,” Palestinian civil society groups stated this month.


The groups condemned Facebook’s selection of Palmor, warning of her potential role in muzzling freedom of expression and censoring human rights defenders, particularly Palestinian, Arab and Muslim voices on the platform.


The Palestine Digital Rights Coalition, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council and the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network are urging Facebook to “consider the grave consequences that electing Emi Palmor may have particularly on Palestinian human rights defenders and on freedom of expression online in defense of Palestinian rights.”

Who is Emi Palmor?


Palmor’s time as the top civil servant at the Israeli justice ministry coincided with the term of Ayelet Shaked as the minister.


Ironically, Shaked became notorious prior to assuming that role for making a Facebook post inciting the genocide of Palestinians.


Under Palmor’s oversight, the ministry formed a cyber unit successfully resulting in the removal of tens of thousands of Palestinian posts from social media platforms.


Adalah, a group that advocates for the rights of Palestinians in Israel, argued against the legality of the unit’s practices.


According to Adalah, the unit makes requests to the Israeli state attorney, appealing to “Facebook and Google to remove, restrict or suspend access to certain content, pages or users.”


Adalah says this is carried out with “no transparency or legal procedure whatsoever, and with no framework for users to defend themselves against allegations that their posts were illegal or warranted removal.”

Facebook protects Israel


There have been increased calls for censorship on social media platforms by US media and political elites, especially after they drummed up the evidence-free or false allegations of a massive Russian-backed effort to use social media to influence the 2016 US presidential elections in favor of Donald Trump.


The European Union has pledged to help Israel fight against free speech.


Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, testified before the US Congress in October, where he was asked to address the allegations from politicians.


New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez added her voice to a bipartisan chorus demanding Facebook implement a so-called fact-checking process for political ads.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.9333701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump has built just THREE MILES of entirely new border wall where no barrier existed before, Department of Homeland Security reveals


President Trump has built just three miles of primary wall on the U.S.-Mexico border where no barrier existed before

A new report out of Customs and Border Protection and obtained by The Washington Post revealed the numbers

Overall, 194 miles of border wall have been constructed, but all but 16 miles are replacing previous structures

Of the 16 miles of new construction, 13 were to create new secondary walls, while three represented new primary border wall

In the past, Trump has blasted the media for not crediting his building of replacement wall as keeping his campaign promise

During the 2016 campaign, Trump told supporters he'd build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and make Mexico pay for it


President Trump has built just three miles of primary wall on the U.S.-Mexico border where no barrier existed before, a new report from Customs and Border Protection said.

The report, obtained by The Washington Post, found that while 194 miles of wall have been built the vast majority of 'new' wall was replacing old wall.


Only 16 miles of the 194 represent construction in places a wall didn't exist, and of that tally, 13 miles were new secondary wall, while three were primary.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9333719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

iPhone vulnerability that lets users 'jailbreak' their devices to run apps and software that have not been approved by Apple is discovered


Jailbreaking is able to run because of exploits and bugs found in Apple software

This is the first time a jailbreak has worked on newer Apple devices in four years

It uses an exploit that can also be used by malicious hackers to steal information


A vulnerability in iPhones and iPads - even those running the latest iOS 13.5 - lets users by-pass Apple's limitations and install apps not approved by the company.

Jailbreaking has been around since the first iPhone as it gives users more control over the otherwise locked down device, but Apple soon releases updates to block it.

The 'jailbreaking software' uses an exploit in the device that is also used by malicious hackers to take over devices and steal personal information.

According to Pwn20wnd, the security researcher who discovered the flaw that led to the latest jailbreak said Apple were likely to fix it sooner or later.


This latest exploit to allow jailbreaking software to work is the first time it's been possible on new Apple devices in four years.

'It will most likely take them at least two or three weeks to release a patch,' according to Pwn20wnd.

'Even when they release a patch, users can downgrade to the previous iOS version for about two weeks usually, and after that the users should stay on their versions so that the jailbreak keeps working.'

Even though jailbreaking poses a security risk due to the fact it uses exploits that leave iOS open to hacking, Pwn20wnd, the researcher that spotted the exploit, said Apple's security mechanisms are intact.

Newer iPhones have extra hardware in them making it very difficult for code not approved by Apple to be installed on the devices.

This is why it has taken so long for an exploit to be discovered that allows for jailbreaking on new phones.

Pwn20wnd didn't go into any specific details about the flaw, but told Vice that Apple's iOS has become a 'big target for attackers', adding that the company constantly adding new features creates new attack surfaces.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.9333758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3781 >>3790 >>3833

President of El Salvador Announces That He is Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Says ‘Most World Leaders’ Doing the Same


President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele has announced that he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against the coronavirus.


Bukele told reporters on Tuesday that “most world leaders” are doing the same and has questioned why world leaders are being advised to use it while the public is not.


“I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” said Bukele.


President Donald Trump has been a proponent of the drug, which is normally used to treat malaria, and recently announced that he had been taking it.


“A lot of good things have come out about the hydroxy. You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the frontline workers,” Trump said at the White House on April 19. “I happen to be taking it. I’m taking it, hydroxychloroquine. Right now.”


Trump has since completed his regimen.


The World Health Organization suspended a trial of the drug on Monday, claiming that they had safety concerns. Following their announcement, Bukele said that El Salvador would no longer promote it as a treatment for the virus, but that people could continue to take it as a preventative measure if they wish.


On Twitter, Bukele questioned why world leaders were being advised to take it, while the general public is not.


Does it work? I don’t know. But we have been advised to take it. While the rest of the world is being advised not to. Why? That’s a question worth asking. Isn’t it?” Bukele wrote.

Anonymous ID: fbf268 May 27, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.9333813   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Adrenomed’s business is effectively secured by a strong IP position with granted patents in all major markets.


Adrenomed is based in Hennigsdorf near Berlin, Germany.



Adrenomed was established in 2009 after the successful trade sale of the B·R·A·H·M·S AG to Thermo Fisher. The co-founders and executive managers of the B·R·A·H·M·S AG were Dr. Andreas Bergmann, who serves today as CSO of Adrenomed; also Dr. Bernd Wegener and Dr. Metod Miklus, who today are members of Adrenomed’s Supervisory Board. At B·R·A·H·M·S AG they changed the standard of care in sepsis by developing Procalcitonin (B·R·A·H·M·S PCTTM), the diagnostic gold standard sepsis biomarker.


Adrenomed’s vision is to translate the concept of personalized medicine into acute care. Consequently, Andreas Bergmann, in his dual role as CSO of Adrenomed and CEO of sphingotec GmbH, connects the diagnosis of acute medical conditions, for example sepsis and acute heart failure, with the therapeutic approaches developed by Adrenomed.


The extensive in-depth work in sepsis, diagnostics and drug development led to well-established contacts with key opinion leaders worldwide in cardiovascular disease and sepsis that support Adrenomed’s clinical research.