maybe Q wants us to write letters that show how concerned we are that these elections seems un audited, and how easy it seems to us that the electins can be stolen through fraud. And we could ask governors, attorinies general, and local political operatives that we are concerned that we will be unable to verify that results of these ballots, and thus the elections, to us, will seem tainted and that . . . given all the new technology, isn't it rather add that we use the mail, when we know that if it were bills or taxes they'd say 'please use electronic transmissal'.
but suddenly we go 'paper' and retro back to 1975, when you'd get that 'do not fold spindle or mutilate' very expensive punch card which was some cretin corporations meal tickett . . . the predawn of 'contact tracking'
cool side point: the craven banking industry used that cobol 'punch card' tech for a full 30 or more years until the year 2000 scam, leaving the systems open for major fraud, which, probably, was part of their plan, end of unsauced observational history).
the problem: if we go and say 'I want to help' to monitor the election, we get put on their list.
how do we monitor anonymously? how do we tell them 'we are watching, you don't know who we are, but you better be honest' and then have a waay to do it?
if we show our faces they target us.
I know how these thug people operate. they say things like 'where do you read your news' as they nose turn and exhale
they gaslight what you know, they make up fake narrativess. And they tell some enforcer type about you, and have no fear of being a cold hearted bastard to you if you threaten their franchise.
so maybe that's why people don't write these letters.