Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.9334763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295 >>5395



>>9334068 Joni Ernst’s Campaign Exposes Theresa Greenfield’s Anti-Corporate PAC Hypocrisy

>>9334099 Tulsi Gabbard drops lawsuit against Hillary Clinton over ‘Russian asset’ smear

>>9334113 After Joe Biden announced he was running for president in April 2018, the University received over $70 million dollars from China

>>9334153 Obsessive partisanship’: Pew Research blasted for misleading tweet casting Dem districts as doing better on Covid-19 deaths

>>9334166 USSC 1905 Ruling On Mandatory Vaccines HENNING JACOBSON, Plff. in Err., v. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS.

>>9334196 Minnesota FF?

>>9334285 At Least 11 Local News Stations Caught Airing The Exact Same Amazon Propaganda Segment

>>9334343 TOP FBI RAT OUT Wray & the Bombshells Are Epic

>>9334407 High Court justice: Government run by indicted prime minister a ‘moral failure'

>>9334439 Gantz walks out of meeting with Netanyahu after Regev calls him ‘half-baked’



Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9334813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841 >>4849 >>4865

Statement by Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd on the House of Representative’s Consideration of Legislation to Reauthorize the U.S.A. Freedom Act

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.9334856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4874

Canadian Judge Rules Against Huawei CFO, Clearing Way For Extradition


Wednesday has been a wild day for US-China relations.


It has been a few months since we've checked in with Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, who has spent the last 16 months free on bail in Vancouver while the Canadian legal system has processed her case, as it moves to determine whether it will grant the US DoJ's request to extradite Wanzhou in accordance with the US-Canada mutual-extradition agreement.


On Wednesday, with tensions between the US and China flaring and Huawei back in the headlines, a Canadian judge has ruled that the allegations brought against Meng by the DoJ would constitute crimes in Canada. That hurdle was a critical legal threshold: If the judge had ruled otherwise, Meng likely would have been freed, and extradition would likely be off the table.


Meng was arrested when she landed in Vancouver on Dec. 1, 2018, while President Trump was sitting down to dinner with President Xi in Buenos Aires during a notable episode that re-started trade talks between the world's two largest economies. Shortly afterward, Trump suggested that she could become a political bargaining chip in the trade talks.


Of course, that was long before the coronavirus. We suspect that whatever happens now, if Meng lands in the US, prosecutors probably won't be very amenable to a generous deal.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.9334875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295 >>5395

Mail-Order Presidency: Democrats Will Do Anything to Beat Trump in November


Just like in 2016 when WikiLeaks revealed that the DNC was feeding Hillary Clinton debate questions, 2020 will be no different with the Democrats employing every dirty trick in the book to oust Donald Trump from office.


Following on the backs of Russiagate, Impeachment, and now mass-media hysteria over Coronavirus, which of course has dealt Trump a major blow with regards to his hopes for reelection in November, is there anyone still not convinced that the Democrat machine is prepared to do absolutely anything to win in November?


Liberals are painfully aware that if Trump wins another four years in office all of their pet projects – like open borders, senseless wars and warped cultural experiments – will be put on the back burner indefinitely. Desperate time call for desperate measures, like demanding mail-in ballots for the presidential election.


If ever there was a fool-proof way that Joe Biden could actually defeat Trump in November this is it. Michigan and Nevada, for example, two battleground states, have begun organizing mail-in voting amid the Covid-19 scare, and the Republicans smell a trap. They have reason to be wary.


Organizing mail-in voting lacks procedural oversight, which, incidentally, has proven incapable of guaranteeing the validity of electronic voting on the best of days. As such, mail-in voting in November would be an unmitigated disaster. Not only is it impossible to ensure a system of checks and balances, skepticism over such a primitive form of vote-tallying makes it inevitable that Republican voters would never accept the results from such a contest. The importance of a reliable form of voting is not just about fairness; it is paramount to preventing the outbreak of violence on the streets.


Would the Democrats resort to cheating their way into the White House? Recent history suggests they would. Russiagate, for example, which the Mueller Report proved to be a total sham, did a wonderful job of concealing a number of Democrat wrongdoings, including sidelining Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, as well as feeding the latter the questions to a CNN town hall debate. It is hard to overestimate the media-generated wrath that would befall the Republicans had they been guilty of such shenanigans.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.9334932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4969 >>4981 >>5370

Former Pelosi Aides Cash in as Coronavirus Lobbyists


Former aides to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) have raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars this year as registered lobbyists on coronavirus-related issues and legislation, according to federal disclosure records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


At least seven ex-Pelosi aides, including her former chief of staff, senior counsel, and senior policy adviser, have registered as lobbyists on behalf of dozens of companies seeking benefits from coronavirus-related legislation.


The former aides lobbied on policies related to the coronavirus pandemic for over 50 clients in the first quarter of 2020. Their firms received over $2 million from these clients during this time. These fees were for lobbying on multiple issues in addition to coronavirus legislation and policies.


The records illustrate how coronavirus relief legislation sparked a lobbying bonanza in Washington, D.C., this spring, benefiting well-connected former political staffers on both sides of the aisle. At least 25 former Trump officials also registered to lobby on coronavirus legislation, the Washington Post reported last month.


Former Pelosi aides who have registered to lobby on coronavirus issues include special assistant Shanti Stanton, chief of staff Nadeam Elshami, and senior policy adviser Anne MacMillan.


The clients ranged from Delta Airlines to Uber Technologies Inc., with most focusing their lobbying efforts on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the $2 trillion stimulus bill that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in late March.


The legislation, which included $1,200 direct payments to millions of Americans, plus hundreds of billions of dollars in loans and other financial support to industries and businesses, kicked off a lobbying frenzy with companies spending "near-record levels" on influence-buying in Washington, D.C., this year, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


Stanton, the former special assistant to Pelosi who now works at the government relations firm Subject Matter, was tasked by clients Delta Airlines, Facebook Inc., and Verizon Communications Inc. to lobby on "issues related to the coronavirus," including the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the CARES Act.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.9334970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4995 >>5002 >>5075 >>5370

EU’s “Farm to Fork” Exposed: Total Takeover of Food in EU’s “Green Deal”


The EU’s “Farm to Fork” strategy was unveiled this week, describing the necessary shift in people’s diets to insects as protein and away from meat/dairy.


The EU promises to apply prohibitively high luxury taxes to meat and dairy, and has allocated € 100s of billions to BOTH buy out traditional farmers to stop farming AND simultaneously fund robotic insect farms and lab-grown meat. Plus, they plan to refuse any trade deals unless partner countries are EQUALLY committed to “Green Alliances.”


This is a GLOBAL takeover of our food supply. Understand it. Expose it. Grow food.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.9335005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5019 >>5036 >>5370

City Pays Antifa Militant Who Praises Cop Killers for Taking Rubber Bullet During Violent Protest


A renowned Antifa militant who publicly celebrates attacks on law enforcement is getting a cash settlement from a big U.S. city after claiming in a federal lawsuit that his civil rights were violated during a violent protest with his fellow extremists. The incident occurred in August 2018 when hundreds of radical leftists, including masked Antifa militants, confronted police and conservatives in downtown Portland, Oregon. Rowdy demonstrators used pepper spray against police and threw fireworks, bottles, rocks and ball bearings, according to a local news report. Videos of police in riot gear are embedded in the story, which says that protestors were armed with knives, traded blows and drew blood.


Among the rioters was a 31-year-old Antifa leader named James Mathew Mattox who praises cop killers on social media. Mattox was dressed in black bloc and a mask during the event and carried a shield with an anarchist symbol. Mattox provoked officers when they tried to disperse rioters by flipping them off, waving his shield and arms in the air and yelling profanities. When an officer shot a rubber bullet, Mattox taunted him for missing his left thigh before a second rubber bullet hit him in the right arm. This caused a “large gash,” according to his federal court complaint which includes other Portland-area Antifa rioters as plaintiffs. Mattox and his radical pals allege their civil rights were violated and he claims he suffered sharp pain, insomnia and limitations in functioning and movement for weeks. He was unable to return to work for over a week due to the seriousness of his injuries, according to the lawsuit. “In addition to the financial costs of having his injuries treated and missing work, Mr. Mattox suffered from the physical and emotional pain of having been subjected to extreme police violence,” the complaint states. “Mr. Mattox experienced depression and the lasting effects of trauma from extreme police violence.”


This month the Portland City Council agreed to pay Mattox $23,000 to settle the case while a conservative journalist uncovered disturbing social media posts written by the Antifa activist. Using the alias of a prominent Communist Party member (Jack Johnstone), Mattox’s social media outbursts express support for terrorist attacks on law enforcement. He specifically names three renowned cop killers— Christopher Jordan Dorner, Micah Xavier Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long—as his “personal heroes.” In 2013 Dorner killed four police officers and injured three in southern California. Johnson, a member of the New Black Panther Party, killed five Dallas cops at a Black Lives Matter protest in 2016. That same year, Long, a black separatist, killed three police officers and shot three others in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Nevertheless, in his lawsuit against the city of Portland and its police department Mattox asserts that he “posed no threat of violence,” despite his documented history of glorifying it against law enforcement officers. It is also worth mentioning that various news reports have confirmed Mattox has been arrested several times during violent Antifa protests in Portland. Now taxpayers in the city of about 655,000 are being forced to give him money because elected officials will not stand up to him.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.9335042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5327

Israeli specialist: Hydroxychloroquine ineffective treatment for COVID-19


The drug has been under investigation worldwide, including in the United States, after President Donald Trump called it a “game-changer” in the fight against coronavirus.


A top Israeli infectious disease specialist has said that she believes that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in treating COVID-19. The drug has been under investigation worldwide, including in the United States, after US President Donald Trump called it a “game changer” in the fight against coronavirus.


Galia Rahav, head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, told The Jerusalem Post that at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, her team treated some patients with hydroxychloroquine and enrolled others in a clinical trial that involved the drug.


Hydroxychloroquine is currently in use for the treatment of autoimmune diseases worldwide, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and has been used for years to treat malaria. However, Rahav said that “summarizing the data, we don’t think it works [for COVID-19] and we are not using it.”


Rahav was reacting to a question regarding the decision this week by the World Health Organization (WHO) to pause recruitment for the hydroxychloroquine arm of its Solidarity Trial while it evaluates the safety data.


The Solidarity Trial is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, which was launched by WHO and its partners. To date, nearly 3,500 patients have been enrolled from 17 countries in four parallel laboratory and clinical studies: Remdesivir, Lopinavir/Ritonavir, Lopinavir/Ritonavir with Interferon beta-1a and hydroxychloroquine.


Only the hydroxychloroquine study was paused.

Recently, several studies have been published that showed dangerous effects of the drug. On May 22, an observational study published in the British journal The Lancet found that among 100,000 patients from multiple countries randomized to receive hydroxychloroquine, there was a higher mortality rate and an increased frequency of irregular heartbeats for those who received the drug.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.9335094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SHAFFER: The 6 Facts Americans Were Never Supposed To Know About The Russia Collusion Hoax


The Democrats’ “Russian collusion” crusade was never about national security — and now the American people are finally learning the truth.


Contrary to the protestations of Obama administration officials and their allies in the mainstream media, the collusion narrative was designed to accomplish the following objectives: first, to discourage voters from supporting Donald Trump in 2016; second, in the event that Hillary Clinton won the election, to ruin Donald Trump personally and destroy his business professionally; and third, to serve as a so-called “insurance policy” to remove President Trump from office.


Indeed, the entire Russian collusion hoax was put in motion even before Donald Trump became the Republican Party nominee in July 2016. The thing is, no Democrat actually expected that it would become necessary to pursue the third objective. Throughout the 2016 election campaign, Clinton’s closest allies were convinced that she would win the presidency in a landslide, in which case the American voters would never have found out about the tactics James Comey’s FBI used to establish the “predicate” to spy on the Trump Campaign.


Following Clinton’s defeat, however, the Obama administration was left with no choice but to shift gears from insurance to vengeance. We’re only beginning to scratch the surface of this scandal, but what we’ve already discovered should shock even the most cynical Americans. Here are seven key facts that we were never supposed to learn about the Russia collusion hoax:


  1. The truth about Russian interference


According to the newly declassified testimony from Crowdstrike and the testimony of the former Obama national security officials, there is no clear evidence of a focused Russian effort to favor any single political candidate in the 2016 election — its activities were solely intended to be disruptive. The Russian government, it turns out, did not “hack” the Democrat National Committee server, and not a single Russian official was colluding with the Trump Campaign.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9335152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Aide to L.A. City Councilmember Agrees to Plead Guilty to RICO Charge Stemming from ‘Pay-to-Play’ Corruption Scheme


LOS ANGELES – The former special assistant to a member of the Los Angeles City Council has agreed to plead guilty to a federal racketeering charge stemming from a “pay-to-play” bribery scheme where real estate developers and their proxies provided over $1 million in financial benefits, including cash, to the councilmember and others to ensure certain real estate projects received favored treatment.


George Esparza, 33, of East Los Angeles, agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiring to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) statute.


Esparza was charged with the racketeering offense in a criminal information filed today in United States District Court. In addition to the charging document, federal prosecutors filed a plea agreement in which Esparza committed to entering a guilty plea and agreed to continue cooperating in the ongoing investigation into political corruption in the City of Los Angeles.


In the court documents filed today, Esparza admitted to participating in a criminal enterprise called the Council District A Enterprise (CD-A Enterprise), which was led by his one-time boss, who was chair of the City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee and is described as “Councilmember A.”


“Members and associates of the CD-A Enterprise conspired with one another to facilitate bribery schemes that would provide Councilmember A and other City officials financial benefits and keep Councilmember A in power and maintain the CD-A Enterprise’s political stronghold in the City,” according to the plea agreement.


Esparza admitted that he was a member of the criminal enterprise from early 2013 through November 2018, which is when Esparza began cooperating with federal authorities and after the FBI executed multiple search warrants related to the investigation. According to the plea agreement, during the time of the conspiracy, Esparza and Councilmember A accepted financial benefits and agreed to perform official acts, including:


filing motions and voting on projects, including matters before the City Council;

taking, or not taking, action on the PLUM Committee to influence the approval process and project costs;

negotiating with and exerting pressure on labor unions and other city entities to resolve issues on projects;

exerting pressure on developers with projects pending before the city; and

taking official action to enhance the professional reputation and marketability of businesspersons in Los Angeles.


While a member of the criminal enterprise, Esparza participated in several schemes, he admitted in his plea agreement. One scheme centered on a massive downtown project described as “Project E,” which was being developed by a Chinese company run by a Chinese billionaire called “Chairman E” in court papers.


“Chairman E provided defendant Esparza and Councilmember A financial benefits in over a dozen trips to casinos in Las Vegas and Australia,” according to the plea agreement. “Between June 2014 and January 2018, defendant Esparza personally accepted at least approximately $32,000 in gambling chips, plus flights on private jets and commercial airlines, stays at luxurious hotels, expensive meals and alcohol, spa services, event tickets, and escort services from Chairman E.”

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.9335186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICE Denver names new Field Office Director


DENVER – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) is pleased to announce the selection of John Fabbricatore to the Senior Executive Service and to serve as the field office director (FOD) for the Denver Field Office May 26.


ICE Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Matt Albence announced the selection.


Fabbricatore’s area of responsibility as the FOD for the Denver office includes Colorado and Wyoming, covering over 207,000 square miles of territory with 10 sub-offices.


Most recently, Fabbricatore served as a deputy FOD for ERO Denver, where he also served as acting FOD for much of 2019. In 2018, he was detailed for six months to the DHS Joint Task Force-West in San Antonio, Texas, where he served as deputy chief of staff.


Fabbricatore oversaw the initial rollout of Operation Opioid Counter Strike, a multi-agency, cross-corridor operation at the federal, state, local, tribal, and international levels to disrupt Transnational Criminal Organizations trafficking in opioids. Part of this operation resulted in over 50 Honduran nationals dealing heroin being taken off the streets of Denver in 2016.


Fabbricatore is a proud veteran of the U.S. Air Force where he served as a security forces airman from 1991 to 1996 where he completed tours in Germany and Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm and Operation Southern Watch. He transitioned to civilian service in 1996 with the Federal Protective Service as a police officer for the General Services Administration, where he was assigned to the New York Terrorist Trials Operations Command in New York City.


In 1997, FPS transferred him to Denver, Colorado, to work on both of the Oklahoma City bombing trials. Two years later, he became a deportation officer for U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in Denver.


In 2003, Fabbricatore was selected to be an instructor for the newly formed ICE ERO Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, where he taught in the Physical Techniques Division and the ICE ERO Fugitive Operations Academy.


In 2005, Mr. Fabbricatore was promoted to supervisory detention and deportation officer for the Denver Field Office where he helped establish the Criminal Alien Program and the 287(g) Task Force. The Criminal Alien Program identifies, detains and removes aliens who are incarcerated within federal, state, and local prisons and jails, as well as at-large criminal aliens.


He was promoted in 2011 to assistant FOD, where he managed a variety of programs including the Non-Detained Docket, Criminal Alien Program, Violent Criminal Alien Section, Mobile Criminal Alien Team, Alternatives to Detention, and Fugitive Operations.


Fabbricatore attended the U.S. Marshals Service Training Academy and completed the Fugitive Investigator Course.


A native of Long Island, New York, Fabbricatore, 47, has lived in the Denver area for over 20 years, making Colorado his home.


ERO enforces the nation's immigration laws in a fair and effective manner by identifying and apprehending removable aliens, detaining these individuals when necessary and removing illegal aliens from the United States.


ERO transports removable aliens from point to point, manages aliens in custody or in an alternative to detention program, provides access to legal resources and representatives of advocacy groups and removes individuals from the United States who have been ordered to be deported.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.9335211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

j.d. durkin


NEW: @HawleyMO is demanding that @Google's Sundar Pichai provide information about censorship of YouTube comments critical of China's Communist Party.


"Selling out American principles to curry favor with communist officials is no way to run an American business."

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.9335220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

College Admissions Scandal: Dad Admits Bribing Tennis Coach To Get Daughter Into Georgetown


BOSTON – A Pennsylvania man will plead guilty today in connection with using fraud and bribery to facilitate his child’s acceptance to Georgetown University.


Robert Repella, 61, of Ambler, Penn., will plead guilty to an Information charging him with one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. A plea hearing is scheduled before Judge Allison D. Burroughs today at 10:30 a.m.


According to the terms of Repella’s plea agreement, the government will recommend a sentence of 10 months in prison, one year of supervised release, a fine of $40,000, and restitution. Repella is the 26th parent to plead guilty in this case.


As set forth in the charging documents, Repella, who was not involved in the conspiracy with William “Rick” Singer, agreed to pay the Georgetown tennis coach more than $50,000 directly, in exchange for purporting to recruit his daughter to the Georgetown tennis team. Repella has also agreed to cooperate with the government’s investigation.


The charge of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud provides for a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, whichever is greater.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.9335240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5395

Democrats drop controversial surveillance amendment


House Democratic leaders have dropped plans to vote on a controversial amendment aimed at blocking law enforcement from accessing Americans' web browsing history that had threatened to scuttle a vote on reauthorizing three surveillance programs, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's (D-Md.) office confirmed.


Support for the amendment, sponsored by Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), has fractured over the last day, with progressive groups and lawmakers pulling support.


House lawmakers seeking the amendment initially pushed for language mirroring a measure offered by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) in the Senate that would require a warrant anytime law enforcement wanted to access web browsing data.


The amendment that was ultimately submitted to the Rules Committee on Tuesday narrowed that protection to U.S. persons — something that would exclude individuals in the U.S. on green cards or other visas.


Wyden initially released a statement praising the Lofgren-Davidson measure, but pulled his support following comments from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who was involved in developing the House amendment text.


Schiff in a statement to reporters seemed to suggest that the measure would allow room for law enforcement to continue the collection of Americans' records as long as they are relevant to a foreign intelligence investigation, an issue that critics have said is left open to interpretation in the current amendment.


Multiple progressive groups — including Demand Progress and Fight for the Future — released statements Wednesday pushing lawmakers to vote against the amendment and underlying bill.


Asked during a press conference about the decision not to vote on the bipartisan amendment, Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that it was under consideration, but "we decided that where the votes were, were to go with" the Senate bill.


"We have to have a bill, and we have to have it signed. …That bill in the Senate goes a long way and it is strongly bipartisan. …We hope that it would be the bill that could get the signature of the president," she said.


It is not immediately clear whether dropping the amendment will give Democrats the votes necessary to push through the reauthorization package.


President Trump tweeted Tuesday night that Republicans should oppose the underlying surveillance reauthorization bill because of alleged abuses under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) raised similar concerns during speeches on Wednesday.


A source said that Scalise and Trump spoke on Wednesday “and agreed that this bill should not move forward in the House in its current form."


"We must get to the bottom of the abuses that took place under FISA. Period,” the source added.


Removing the amendment may also cost Democratic leadership progressive support for the bill.


Demand Progress, an influential internet rights group, slammed the decision to drop the amendment Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9335271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Plague of Monsters


Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. — Friedrich Nietzsche


Criminal terrorists attacked us on 9/11, and nations of the world united to treat us all like criminals and turn the fun and exciting world of air travel into an experience redolent of herding livestock to market.


Nineteen years later, a virus outbreak happens, and governments of the world — upon advice of the experts — treat us like infected patients, demanding we quarantine ourselves and cease all economic and social activities. Is this the first time democratic governments have quarantined people who were not sick?


COVID-19 is serious, highly transmissible, and lethal to a minuscule number of people, and we are past the point of being able to contain and eliminate it. Cowering in our homes, eschewing human contact, and wearing masks is not about saving lives; it is delaying deaths — or, if you prefer the sterile words of the experts, flattening the curve.


We're seeing how the shadow of totalitarianism can darken even the sunniest landscape: paternalistic governors issue decrees and edicts to their benighted subjects, unelected bureaucrats handle enforcement, and millions of miserable human beings discover the giddy frisson of snitching on neighbors.


Autocrats don't rely on bootheels and rifle butts alone. They absolutely cannot survive without press propagandists, spying rat finks, and leagues of toadies throughout society parroting the propaganda and cajoling fellow subjects into compliance.


The Infotainment Media Complex abets the tyranny by censoring dissent and force-feeding us morality tales about some dumb bubba who scoffed at the experts but ended up killing his family with COVID-19. Is anyone else tired of the crowds of liberal arts majors and J School grads shouting "SCIENCE!" like a twisted Thomas Dolby tribute choir?


Joyless scolds and miserable sadomasochists rat out neighbors and gleefully recite dour pronouncements of the new normal: dining, dating, and sporting events will never be the same; bars and churches may not open for years; L-shaped and K-shaped recoveries…


Ordinary citizens spread pernicious fallacies: "We can beat this thing!" But nothing tops this blame-shaming question: whom are you willing to kill so that you can go outside?


The premise is absurd. Walking my dog on the beach doesn't kill anyone. If going outside is murder, all those voluntary shut-ins are abetting homicide-by-delivery if they are getting food, groceries, or other products fetched to their doors. By not demanding that the entire economy be shut down and every last person ordered to stay home, the self-quarantine scolds are conceding that there is an acceptable number of deaths.

Anonymous ID: 34ac75 May 27, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9335317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5337 >>5389

Bombshell Audio Leak - Powerful Zionist Groups Hold Meeting, Plot Latest Strategy to Deprive Americans of Free Speech (Audio)


Jewish organizations are coordinating a multi-pronged assault on political liberty in 2020, naming nationalists, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, the American Civil Liberties Union, and young people who play computer games as targets, according to a telecommunicated conference over Zoom obtained by National Justice.


They plan to use a diversity of tactics: ingratiating themselves in social media companies, civil litigation, using artificial intelligence to indoctrinate children, and getting the government to pass laws criminalizing the decision to not do business with the state of Israel.


The meeting, which occurred in late March, provides insight into what Jewish groups regularly discuss among themselves. It was hosted by David Sifry of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and included contributions from Amy Spitalnick, representing Integrity First for America (IFA), Rachel Fish of Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCA), and Dillion Hosier of Israeli-American Civic Action Network (ICAN).


The talk was intended to be broadcasted through another group called "The Jewish Funders Network," which specializes in allocating resources provided by wealthy Jews.


Charlottesville: Plans for a Show Trial


Amy Spitalnick is lead counsel in Sines v. Kessler, a federal lawsuit alleging that the entire list of speakers and political organizers who attended the August 2017 Unite the Right rally were engaged in a conspiracy to kill Jews and minorities. The lawsuit, where the plaintiff's counsel is wielding millions of dollars, is apparently being funded in part by the ADL.


The real motivation behind the lawsuit to make dissident political speech expensive and dangerous was admitted very quickly.


“This group will appreciate and understand, we believe this is the only legal effort in the country right now to take on the leaders of the violent white supremacist movement, to bankrupt and dismantle them through these sorts of large judgments” Spitalnick proudly stated.