Minutes? That almost seems worth it.
Potus and everyone around him is wealthy. Everyone in the military has their needs and the needs of their families taken care of. Only civilians without money or connections need concern themselves with the consequences of war.
Oh look, it's almost like the more things change the more they stay the same or something.
Money buys insulation from consequences. Money and power buys insulation from the consequences of their direct actions. I do not nor will I ever trust anyone with money.
But hey, at least we have FOX News blocking out the current race war taking place on social media on so they can report on a shuttle launch 2 hours before it's supposed to happen while people starve and lose everything. Yay!
It's war, I guess is the best answer I can give. What amazes me more than anything (maybe 'amazes' isn't exactly the right word) is just how compliant the average urbanite is with all these authoritarian measures. Just 4 months ago, these same people were screaming about Trump being OMG FASCIST and now they're chasing their fellow citizens out of grocery stores for not wearing masks. This is a nation of punk bitches.
Didn't see that many masks in the live feed I was watching.
Of course, my bad kek.
I wish it wasn't the case, but it is. We've been so infantilized and dumbed down (I say 'we' because no one is fully immune) to the point where most people can't even stand up for themselves in the face of obvious tyranny. They DON'T EVEN NOTICE IT. This is of course the point of decades-long subversion, but it's just sad to watch.
Get back to mopping the floors, Jared.
The 'flat earth' absurdity is a good example of this. 10 years ago, it was laughable. Now I regularly run into (otherwise functional) people who fully believe space is fake and we live in a snowglobe.