My favorite local businesses are shutting down. I'm lost, I'm confused, I'm depressed, and I'm ANGRY!!!!
It's so depressing. Three of the best local restaurants in my town shutting down are small family owned businesses, two of them Christian-owned. Thanks to China, thanks to the deep state, thanks to Democrat governors, they are finally shuttering their doors. Many other small businesses are shuttering soon as well. Meanwhile I see cars fucking lined up at Walmart, McDonald's, Target. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????
I also own a business that was just getting off the ground and starting to make money. It depended on local events and I had to cancel all of our appointments because there are zero events happening. All my hard work fucking leveled to the ground.
All because the fucking COMMIES attacked us, enabled by the SOCIAL DEMOCRATS infiltrating within our nation to destroy us. Where is the justice? Where is the relief? Where are the arrests? Why aren't more businesses and shops defying these ridiculous lockdown orders? Why are so many of us silent in public? Why do we let the Democrats control the narrative and spread their fears.
My heart is broken. All my plans are cancelled, and I'm depressed. All I fucking do is work my day job at home from my laptop with nowhere to go to have fun and socialize with people. This social distancing bullshit is demoralizing.
I have so much anger built up inside that I don't even know what to do with it. I feel like my Country has just been bombed and everyone is looking around in a daze with no idea what to do.