Anonymous ID: d718c6 May 27, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.9335014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lone Cry for Post Flynn Pardon

'Trump should preemptively pardon former President Barack Obama for any crimes he may have committed in “Obamagate,”'


While some WH pressers recently press POTUS45 to define ObamaGate striving to imply it is a nothing-burger, more astute LEFT-WINGERS fear ObamaGate. Obviously there is much confusion on what exactly ObamaGate is, rushing "preemptively" to sweep Obama guilt under nearest snow pile. One might suspect an attitude of, 'Let's get this done before joe Q public fully understands the scope of ObamaGate… though I prefer BarryGate.


Before pressing on, one must first speculate, 'Who pushes for Pardon more grand than Flynn, Flynn who never got one or needed one?' I guess someone thinks Barry is in more need of pardon and deserves one much bigger than Flynn. Hmmm… who might that be?


Of late, May 2020, 45 clearly pushes ObamaGate. I have been inclined to suggest ObamaGate is catchall for SpyGate and RussiaGate, that is what started under Obama yet allowed to follow through after his termination on 1-20-17. That it includes Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller Gates when Barry was clearly out of power. That scope, meaning, I believe to be badly flawed, though I think it is scope and perspective assumed under article above. They wish to PRESS, 'Sure it got reported up to Barry, but the drivers and doers were his underlings, nasty rogue elements carrying on long after Barry left. Barry deserves free pass. He was just the incompetent boob, up at the top, just a go-along-stooge.'


Wrong, wrong, wrong, since May 8, Q has been qualifying 'ObamaGate, with 'Shadow Presidency', 9 times to date, 4310 being most obvious. Obama never left the office as residing President over Deep Smelly Swampy State (DSSS). DSSS has always looked to Barry as their president. Elements of coup have been ongoing and very effective diverting the will of the duly elected President Trump. For the Shadow Government, 44 always got full allegiance and 45 none. They gave us UkraineGate/Impeach45 and are now the primary pushers of ChinaGate/ElectionGate. Cutting to chase, it is Barry who seeks blanket pardon for all crimes in and against America: in office, after office, and yes, I will suggest before office too. That I now accept as the most valid scope of ObamaGate/BarryGate. Who knows what this Phony-Baloney has done? Yes, 45, Flynn, they may know. Barry wants to walk free to play Elite golf whenever and wherever he chooses.


The above article is the float of a caught criminal looking for leniency. Barry is in open negotiations with Trump. That is where D's are, boss man is selling you out to save his own skin. Bump, bump there goes another under his free ranging golf cart. Who is next? Joe or Joe, Sleepy or Psycho Creepy? Barry will give up any and all for one more day of his freedom. Sounds like Obama talks, wheeling and dealing… always remember LEFTY, Alinsky rules. Do not hesitate to strike back hard, fast and hopefully first, come clean ratting out others before they rat you out.


Out in field LEFT, the Logic Snowballs start to fly every which way, A good snowball fight is more contagious than this Virus. At end, LEFT field comes picked clean, only highly visible dirt remains for all to see very clearly. LEFT, left standing in decades of their own filth. Logic stuck tight and sound to them, in big deep freeze. Indeed, climate does change.