Anonymous ID: f26204 May 27, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.9335037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Given that the Heads of State worldwide are aware of Nibiru’s approach and that it will be undeniable by the start of 2021, they are understandably nervous about likely rioting and demands from their populace. Open borders and having the populace flow from one place to another freely, like water, is at the root of these fears. If only the populace could be forced to restrict their movement, stay at or close to home, and be arrested if they try to escape these bonds. How likely is this to develop from the Covid-19 social distancing tracking devices being developed?


The establishment faces several hurtles. First, the Covid-19 virus will rapidly and dramatically seem to vaporize as the Northern Hemisphere moves into Summer. This has everything to do with the strength of the UV-C rays, as we have detailed, and the rapidly increasing herd immunity. Thus the populace is unlikely to tolerate the imposition of tracing devices. Second, these devices have not yet been proven and are expensive. Third, the populace is highly suspicious of such government control steps. We predict these plans will vaporize as rapidly as the Covid-19 itsel

Anonymous ID: f26204 May 27, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.9335045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We stated at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic that the virus was a natural emergence from the soup that the drains in the wet markets of Wuhan provided. Covid-19 was found to match 96% of its RNA to Chinese bats and match 99% of its genome sequences to virus found in the Pangolin and match its protein codes to snakes. All these animals are sold on the black market in China, and often openly in the wet markets. Covid-19 was found to contain HIV-1 inserts. That human handlers might have HIV could hardly be denied. The components were all there.


There is an unrelenting determination to blame the Covid-19 pandemic on a deliberate release of a man-made virus. Certainly Gates planned to selectively infect portions of mankind via an additive to a normal flu vaccine, but he and his plans were stopped. Then there are reports from respected scientists like Dr. Fauci reporting that the Wuhan lab was trying to develop an HIV vaccine and in the process were manipulating bat virus. As we have asserted, Patient Zero will never be found, as he is not in the Wuhan lab!


This new claim that Covid-19 must have been engineered as it can only infect humans is disproven already. There are multiple well documented cases of tigers and pet cats and dogs who became infected from their human handlers. It is the story that will not die. Blaming Mother Nature for the pandemic has already been produced by Hollywood. Will the story that China developed Covid-19 on purpose be the next genre? For what purpose? China has been devastated by Covid-19, as has the rest of the world.