Anonymous ID: 4a26b2 May 27, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.9336928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vaccine update: 400M doses on order, Operation Warp Speed


Video link:


Access Health International

William Haseltine


Some pull quotes:

“very early in the vaccine development”

“in almost all the studies where the data is available what you’re finding is partial protection”

“Have to be quite cautious in what is going to happen with humans”

“just as memory fades [in older people] immune memory fades”

“you can control this infection with no drug and no vaccine”

“we have contradictory data”

“warp means to distort”

“downside to these vaccines”

“you have to do the tests”

“you better be sure it’s safe”

“even 1 out of a million adverse effects is going to have a serious consequence”

“I helped develop vaccines myself and I know how difficult it can be”


one of the good guys, imho, despite the venue