So…everyone happy with the new communist utopia in some states in America?
People wouldn't listen and continued following the demonrat con of forcing people to distance themselves from society and the sheep willingly accepted that it was 'society' that they were supposed to separate from rather than just PHYSICALLY distance which would have carried over into the opening…unlike the 'social' distancing which not only left the room as soon as people thought "oh good! I can rejoin society?…and they are forgetting about the necessity for 'physically' distancing themselves from others.
Making it worse, the karens and other moronials have fully embraced the idea of separating from society by focusing on the wearing of useless, non-effective at stopping ANY micro-organism either coming or going. However, this is just another in the globalist scum focus on destroying America. Now they want people outside - the safest place to be - keeping their mouths covered…why?…only one reason: When you are wearing a mask you are not only identifying yourself as a globalist scum drone, but you are telling people you do not want to talk to anyone and you don't want anyone to talk to you.
The globalist scum and their slimy, unwashed vermin comprising the demonrat, anti-American, communist party and their propaganda wing meat puppets are so deathly afraid that people will talk to each other and share truths that they are willing - of course - to have people damage their own health to OBEY their globalist scum masters…and only listen to globalist propaganda, never hear the truth!
Remember: the only reason pedo-biden - if that was he - wore a mask while outside, in the open air, physically distancing as he should, is because his handlers don't want him to talk and don't want anyone to talk to him.
That is what they want for everyone - don't talk and don't let anyone talk. They are afraid of an informed public…rightly so.
If you are wearing a mask and you are not sick and not working with the sick…you are a Karen.
If you are wearing a mask while outdoors…you are a very stupid Karen.
You also identify yourself as an uninformed, anti-truth, anti-reality waste of oxygen.
Go home Karen…and take your mask with you and then hide in your bathroom until the world comes to an end. That will be a great benefit to society in itself because it will also keep you from the gene pool.