Anonymous ID: 40ce2e May 27, 2020, 5:25 p.m. No.9338185   🗄️.is 🔗kun



bad guys like you lie, so it only seems that way


minute 25:50

"On the bright side this [conspiracy myth] is pointing to the possibility of a new populism, an authentic populism that transcends current political categories and that would draw from both the left and the right, from the anarchists and the libertarians. Basically it's the people who are defecting from the establishment, from various forms of orthodoxy. And on the other side are the people who still bought into the orthodoxy. Again, this is actually too black and white a picture because almost everybody I know is a rebel in some ways and unconsciously orthodox in other ways. This is not actually an "us versus them". This is a process that every person on Earth is going through. It's is an inner split or an inner indeterminacy. Which side am I on? Maybe the reason that people are so hostile to those on the other side is because the other side represents a shadow part of themselves that they're afraid of. I’m sure that the most viciously orthodox person harbors an inner rebel that is being suppressed, harbors part of them that actually does doubt everything that they themselves are saying. The fear of that suppressed part is actually pretty justified because that will tear your life apart. It will tear your identity apart if you have identified with being right, and if your position in society depends on you being right, and depends on this whole worldview of you being right, then the heterodox positions, the dissenting narratives are a literal threat to your identity. How welcome almost it is to have somebody like David Icke as the projection screen for these suppressed shadow rebellious parts that can then be ridiculed and attacked. And the more ridiculous he is the better he serves that purpose. You see the guardians of the orthodoxy cherry-picking the most ridiculous of the conspiracy theories in order to demonstrate the unacceptability of what's actually in themselves as well."


minute 30:14

"What David Icke offers is a sense making narrative that delivers people from the uncomfortable state of uncertainty, but I think actually what we need is to stay in the uncertainty even more. I am weary of the part of me that wants to leap into a new sense, a new meaning, a new story to replace the one that I grew up in, the conventional one. A lot of the data points that Icke weaves into his narrative deserve attention. There are lower level conspiracies that actually do happen. And governments lie, corporations lie. No one should have any doubt that that happens. And to look into the possibility that the extent of their lying could be a lot bigger than the ones that we found out about. And David Icke brings light to some of those things. And he's offering people an expanded reality. Our world's problems are actually technically easy to solve if only we expanded the scope of what we understand to be a legitimate solution. If we expandeded medicine to include all of the holistic and alternative medicines that work, and there is even a lot of scientific research behind that."


minute 33:38

"The "conspiracy myth" helps us to open to a larger world story because it's saying 'things are not as they seem.' And that is one of the psychic truths that takes form in a conspiracy theory, even if the details are not literally true. That psychic truth is crying for attention. You get into these realms that are beyond what we recognize as provable or disprovable. How do we engage those realms? This is beyond the scope of journalism. It’s more entering the scope of a fiction, of poetry. And fiction and poetry have been marginalized as entertainment today, but they are essential organs of human knowing that we also need to bring in. When I call something a myth that is not to devalue it. I honor David Icke for his work, and Lisa Renee, and all these other people, for their work in telling us a myth and elaborating a myth in giving some form to hidden psychic truths and repressed social truths."



"We're just getting a taste of the dissolving of what we thought was real and permanent and normal."

Anonymous ID: 40ce2e May 27, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.9338304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323



Hi Cop.

funny because the shills are starting to make me laugh now.

It's cause we are winning so hard.

And it's just going to get better.

They are actually comedic

Maybe that's why they call them "clowns?"

Anonymous ID: 40ce2e May 27, 2020, 5:45 p.m. No.9338339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8351 >>8367


When people incite violence, yeah they are provocateurs. I've learned that.

If your not, that's between you and God. But that's not what this board is for.

It's for research not for inciting others to take the law into their own hands