“Think”. Because it’s still legal.
“You ain’t black”
Those should be nuked or cut off the ventilation completely. Military Industrial Complex deserves to die. They have no place where we are going.
Right Q?
Comport yourself as though what you say can be traced back to you. Because it can. If you have not used those words since a time you did not know better, why use them now?
I agree. We are fodder only worthy of fooling so their plan can come to fruition.
Then how the fuck was he on Seinfeld?
Who said it was illegal?
It would be a matter of your own personal dignity.
Or not. You decide, and think for you.
Just advice I give freely to anyone with sense to listen.
At least two per bread.
Since you are tracking me, please notice common threads as they are defining. I never ever insult because of race. Never disparaging to the disabled. I try to be loving and instructive for the intellectually challenged and delayed, such as yourself.
Only the Seinfeld jest in your collection is mine.
The ID’s for those other posts are not my ID this bread. Those other posts are not mine.
Do you even know what the fuck you are doing?
I assure you, only the Seinfeld quip is mine. Thus, you do not know what you are doing.