Anonymous ID: cc81d2 May 27, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.9337906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055

Q. I know you're always here and that you're, somehow, listening. I also know that you can't disclose too much, and that I'm not important enough to deserve an answer.

But I have to ask, because If I'm wrong about what I think I've found in Parliament, then I have literally lost my mind and need to seek help. If I'm right, then this rabbit hole is deeper than I ever could have imagined, and I need to collate it and share it with the Hive Mind.

I think I can ask in a sufficiently obscure way that you won't break your rules, and all I need is a clue from a 'helper' to indicate that this isn't some sort of apophenia.

Two questions, if I may be so bold:

Do the clothes represent who's really speaking, not the actor?

Is it ALL code; ALL somehow mirrored? I understand that the Corona Virus represents something … else (and very bad) to [Them], but does Brexit?

Thank you and best wishes whether you respond or not. Please thank POTUS for all he does for all of us.