Anonymous ID: 231eb3 May 27, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9339224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just curious,

any lawanons familiar w legal concepts of US Mil/etc stepping in to protecc citizens/fight crime/protect ppl/Nation if/when other law agencies demonstrate disinterest/inability to address srs evidences of crime/threat?


& lawanons, to what degree are recordings of sound actionable intel? Obviously video is best, but I know for decades, extreme lengths have been undertaken to capture audio for various evidentiary/strategic/mission uses; (whether in espionage,law enforcement,etc)…Visuals alone, and u lose certain info thats encoded in the sonic data; sonic alone and u lose certain aspects revealed in the visual data.. God gave us sense that we might use them all, wisely and rightly where necessary.


suffice it to say, I was shocked to see wat I'd consider a one in a million type of powerful intel, to be seemingly/apparently disregarded by the pros.. and also shocked that when I pointed out a local police vehicle was apparently involved in this scene, and I thought the intel shld be handled w a certain degree of special seriousness/care/sensitivity/ by a therefore 'distinct' agency, I was rushed off the phone & instructed there was nothing to do but submit report directly to the agency.. w a member (potentially) directly/indirectly involved…!?… I have to say, this seems incredibly careless/idiotic behavior/protocol. zero thought given to protecting the source or potential importance/value of the tip.


I dont know why I was dismissed/nothing taken seriously (not request to see evidence,etc) I can guarantee I take fighting crime much more seriously than the operators I spoke with (who are presumably paid to do so/be specialists in turning tips to valuable investigative fuel?).


any further advices from anons/lawanons/investigativeanons greatly appreciated,



thank u for the laughs Freddyu choad faced tranny

Anonymous ID: 231eb3 May 27, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.9339292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9321


neiss o7


Want to talk directly to POTUS about reinvigortaing USA Industrial Hemp

(which his Farm Bill finally freed from 75yrs retarded/anti-American/draconian/prohibition)

most useful plant on earth. ask urself why USA is not the Hemp Master of tehworld? (china & canada both boasts industrial hemp industries that dwarf ours by many magnitudes..)