>Libs won't shop at Walmart, but they love target
walmart a step up from dollar stores
Target a step up from walmart
they all peddle cheap chyna crap that will be in the landfill withing a year
not something to be proud of
>Libs won't shop at Walmart, but they love target
walmart a step up from dollar stores
Target a step up from walmart
they all peddle cheap chyna crap that will be in the landfill withing a year
not something to be proud of
prot4eest over police deadlu ise of force
take away people's jobs and income, force them inside, make them wear muzzles in public, the weather gets hotter, and nobody could see this coming?
fuckin dems
so Obama and his band of merry looters are guilty of doing bad things.
people are hurting right now, old people in nursing homes getting murdered by dems poor policies, and does anyone really give a shit what that gay POS barry did?
There's a time for everything.