Dear Q:
All booms accepted.
Do it.
Dear Q:
All booms accepted.
Do it.
Revolvers are a favorite. A snub 44 sounds like moar pain than anon would choose.
Because POTUS et al confiscated Space X. Anon has a theory that Elon will be so ingratiated to American in about ten days that he donates that company publicly.
That's when the cabal knows that Elon has flipped.
In the most amazing way we have been trained for years, if only you choose to have opened your eyes.
In the end, they are all cover-their-own-assinists.
Neuralink, like The Boring Company, are probably just moar tax shelters.
Clue to dig the Bush daughters? See what all's been passed down?
WuHuFlu playlist.
Elon is no white hat. He is a compromised-don't-nuke-my-testicles hat.
The absolute state of this board. Are there no oldfags?
And POTUS is complicit, so he plans to be there?
>They want the riots and they want them to be violent.
And they want them to be in swing states.
Anon loved TG&Y. So very much.
Show anon where the bad words hurt you.
Thomas, Green, and Young IIRC.
So, my frens, what is the single most important thing newfags are missing these days?
Lots of historical water under that bridge.
Best advice?
Anon's is probably to read archives 1000 to 1050 before coming back.
Rubio bad. Cruz bad but good.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Contribute something indisputable every bread you attend?
OLDFAGS, fellow anon challenges you to contribute, even if it's ignored.
Recount a favorite dig.
Manage news that's been missed.
Please stay in the game.
Is "the silent one" still here?