Anonymous ID: be010c May 27, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.9338756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8764 >>8782 >>8815

Hey, Minneapolis residents, why are you effing up your own neighborhood again?

You're shitting in your own lunchbox.

I'm from Detroit so let me educate you some. In 1963, Detroit had some riots. too. 1963.

When I left that city, 10 years ago, that area STILL hadn't recovered. Two Negro mayors later, it was STILL messed up.

Y'all bitch that you ain't got no money. Well, when you run the white folks out, what do you think they do with their money?

They take it with them.

What do you think they do with their jobs?

They take them with them.


And then y'all got nothing left to rebuild with.

1963 was 57 years ago and that neighborhood STILL ain't bounced back. FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS.


So think twice about what you are doing tonight.


Tip: Hold you one of them candlelight vigils. Surround the cop shop. Don't let no one in, only out. Let them out easy, but empty the place. Same for city hall. Same for the mayor's house. Only out. Never in. Do that for 48 hours and watch the arrests of those cops happen.

Anonymous ID: be010c May 27, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.9338969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not too surprised. It's a large crowd that has been throwing rocks and taking the occasional shot at them for two days. Lots of different grenades lobbed so far. Mounted police and SWAT teams and God knows what else on hand. Lots of scared shitless cops, too – way outnumbered and possibly out-gunned.

Anonymous ID: be010c May 27, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9339304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327


Had a Taurus Judge in .45 / .410. Barely manageable for me: not manageable at all for spouseanon. Plus, the ball of fire was hard on her nerves. ;-)


Sold it. Bought a couple 9mm semi-autos. Most she could handle / least I would consider.


I thought The Judge was cool!