Even without Q, blacks know full well that the government actively works against them, hence why they're less inclined to follow the rules. They view local, state and federal authorities as illegitimate, and after their communities being subverted at every level I don't really blame them.
Live feed still up. Autozone apparently blew up, Minneapolis in ruins. [DS] got what they wanted, they win the battle in the war they already lost.
Gonna be a HOT weekend.
Last I checked, registered Republicans could join the CIA too.
Lmao horseshit.
You should leave your cul-de-sac once in a while.
That's because he (You)d me, you absolute brainlet. Are you THAT new? Or just mentally retarded?
Events like this really bring out the unironic racists among the anon ranks. Some people are going to need to do a lot of soul-searching before this is all over.
A number of FOX personalities are part of the Q program, and a good chunk of them supporters. It's still a corporate outlet owned by the same people who own all the other ones, however. Good people working from within, "reverse-subversion" I guess you could call it.
>every 2 year election cycle
>major racially divisive shooting
>every 2 year election cycle
And in other news: Tired Pepe finds it's all even more tiresome than previously thought
But Anon, why would you use kike metrics to quantify intelligence? You're not a kike-lover, are you?
I feel bad for her, shit's fucked up. This is exactly what the [DS] wanted, after all.
She looks high af 90% of the time.
That, or Elmer's glue.
If you've been part of this any reasonable period of time, you should know how the game's played by now. There was no other way that this night was gonna go than the way it did. [They] won a battle in a war [they] already lost.
Everyone who calls you crazy now will look to you for answers this time next year. Remember that, and be patient with the sleeping idiots around you.
I bet you have a waterbed like a 70s pornstar, Daniel.
They all want us to hate each other, it's easy and we fall into it easy. The fact that you even question if you are and the possibility bothering you means you probably aren't though.
Antifa's definitely on the ground in both Minneapolis and LA.
It's definitely a possibility, perhaps almost probable after tonight. I don't think Minneapolis in flames is the climax of this event, more of the warm-up. This weekend could very well be Rodney King-tier.
I think the worst of it's been in Minneapolis so far. LA was mostly hipsters, Memphis was calm. But who knows if it'll stay that way.
What's happening isn't organic, random joggers aren't doing this. It's them. Minneapolis is, no hyberbole, burning to the ground. The girl on gloomtube is having a meltdown.
>order comes down from political leaders, cops kill black man to agitate black community
>antifa blends in with resulting riots to cause chaos
>black community gets blamed for burning their own town down
>everyone has a reason to hate everyone
Oh look, it's this movie again.
I'm a white loser from flyover country, high school drop out, apart from my higher than average IQ pretty much the definition of white trash. And I am in no way, shape or form fucked with as heavily as my black counterpart. This isn't divisiveness, this is fact. If you want to feel like a bigger victim than you really are though, you can go ahead.
Anyone still stuck in the white vs. black mentality is still stuck in the matrix.
We all know the real problem is the spics.