If we have to rely on the DOJ to conduct such reviews and determine whether to prosecute, as a general process, forget it. Prosecutorial decisions are, and it seems ever shall be, political, and thus entirely subject to persons and circumstances.
Secrecy is abhorrent to a free people. It’s about time the default position for all information is “unclassified” with classifications by exception. I’m aware that the EO claims to do, but classification has been a weapon of the deep state since the National Security Act came into being in 1947.
It’s amazing how legislation can just magically appear and, perhaps more importantly, be passed by the legislature, when Rights need to be restricted or more advantages of oligopoly are required by the donor class. The same alacrity and efficiency are never in evidence for substantive reforms that benefit a truly free and open society (I mean a real open society, of course; not a cesspit of moral degradation, corruption, anti-truth, and nepotism promoted by Soros and the bandit class).