Looting and Burning
Love It - Make it Spread Nation Wide
Open warfare will remove the undesirables
on both sides
As a Bonus mostly dumb asses die in war
Fact that is worth remembering
Looting and Burning
Love It - Make it Spread Nation Wide
Open warfare will remove the undesirables
on both sides
As a Bonus mostly dumb asses die in war
Fact that is worth remembering
Yeah - we got looting and burning now
Much more entertaining than a damn virus
There is only so much that can be done
with a mask and social distance
But fires and looting – Whoopee
Damn that is a good one
Have actually asked people that I know why they
allow things to happen and why they do not step
up and take action
The reply is always the same
"Can't afford to go to jail"
Fuck a jury of 12 peers
cause the damn courts do not work
as they were designed
No fucking Justice in America
Unless you are Elite
Smoking pot and looting Minneapolis
Things are going well for the Q plan
Americans are so focused on saving our Country