What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter
Scandal No. 1:Massive, illegal surveillance of American citizens, using the database of the National Security Agency
Scandal No. 2:Spying on the Trump campaign
Scandal No. 3:Covering up this spying, continuing it during the new administration, charging that Trump was not legitimately elected, and impeding his presidency with major investigations, based on false charges
“It’s an ugly picture, one that goes beyond dirty tricks and the normal bounds of “loyal opposition.” We still have a lot to learn, but we already know a great deal. We know how grave the three scandals were. We know they fit together, forming something much larger. With each new tranche of declassified documents, we see something big and hideous emerging from the Swamp, a political scandal of profound import.”
A congressman caught in the 1970s Abscam sting is now at the heart of a Philly election fraud probe, sources say
"A key figure in the Abscam scandal of the 1970s, Myers represented Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District between 1976 and 1980 — a career that ended with a three-year prison sentence for bribery and a vote by his House colleagues to expel him."
The Folly of Twitter’s Fact-Check Policy
This Election Is Republicans v. China – Oops, I Mean Democrats
"We need to understand and accept that a vote for anyone with a “D” is a vote for Xi."–oops-i-mean-democrats-n2569512
Delegating that much power to "shared Employee" Anita Sarkesian(sp?) was never going to end well.>>9343873
Kun is down for me unless I use Tor…anyone else?
Cant get to the board from clearnet
Couldnt see fresh breads half an hour ago then it went down
this is my second post and it shows 11 kek wtf
Im an idiot I know that…It's early trumps eo got em scared
Last time it was a bread thing..when this shit happened
For Keks
ames Taranto
·May 27
Hmm, no fact check on this so I guess it must be true!
Ignoring the 10 days of darkness bit, yes, a symbolic meaning exposes itself in coincidences. It's "naturally occurring" many different ways, (I think about someone and my toaster pops, I change channels mid-stream and whatever is on completes my thoughts)
Yes, you're talking about the language of the matrix cat. It freaked me out for a while, but now I see it's conversational with my subconscious
Holy crap, I just posted on Tot and got a normal ID.
When did they fix this?
Thanks CM
~~Tot~~ Tor
No, the Q Comm was from Virgina, IL.
Ugh, Virginia, IL
I believe the details were in the pic from the family's reunion pics. Can't recall at the moment and didn't bother to save the link when I looked it up. others saved it, so no biggie. Misremembering is also my good and dear friend.
"Community Organizers", FIFY
Texas AG Ken Paxton: Trump is right and Twitter ‘fact check’ is wrong – mail-in ballot fraud is a real problem
The legislator said: “Vote by mail, that we know, is the greatest source of voter fraud in this state. In fact, all of the prosecutions by the attorney general – I shouldn’t say all, but a great majority of the prosecutions by the attorney general occur with respect to vote by mail.”
There's was other info in the pic file, an actual url that was searchable. I'd have to go back to the actual post and I'm in the middle of lifefagging. Might go dig up the post as an exercise and repost later. I'm very good at misremembering something like that, but I know the there were more where that photo came from, family pics and such. Will find in a bit. Danks!
Andy Ngô
This looks like antifa black bloc. Antifa accounts on social media are already crowdfunding bail money for any comrades that may get arrested.
>Fuck your clock, clockfag
>Your clock doesn't mean shit
Why you get so upset about it then?
His 13-F might, I repeat, might, have his current position, but you'd need to review all of them to watch the share count.
Used to be Dayton Hudson.