Anonymous ID: ef7e4e June 9, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.9553719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7952

I was just reading Bill Barr's letter to DC Mayor Bowser in relation to the additional law enforcement in DC due to the rioting. My mind started wandering off, as it usually does after some dry sift white widow, and I was thinking about all the race riots in the US and was then hit with knowing on a conscious level what I already knew on a sub-conscious level and that was that most, if not all, were planned operations.

I then started looking closer to home and immediately thought of Brixton and am comfortable in presuming that that one was coordinated as well as the current disturbances we are seeing around the country.

I considered myself woke and have been my entire life, with a constant need to know why and a keen eye for incongruity, but I never dreamt of the sheer scope of coordinated evil I have since learnt post Q.

That notwithstanding, I had reached a point in my life where I had lost all hope for humanity and the free man and was at rock bottom psychologically and at the bottom of a bottle physically.

And then I stumbled on Q in Feb 2018 and my interest was piqued. I read all the previous crumbs and researched Q's posts and anon posts as well for a solid 3 months before I concluded that Q was indeed close to Trump and Trump was indeed communicating via his Twats and other media. The Todd Brassner RIP twat (see image attached) was a powerful proof.

Although I had concluded that Trump and Q were connected, I still wasn't certain that it was all altruistic, but spending many hours both on the board and digging daily, I slowly but surely accepted that the PLAN was mankind's only hope. For if it fails, we fall!

Where once all hope had been extinguished, the flame had been rekindled until there now burns a phosphorescence.


And fuck the filthy Deep State and may they all rot in hell.