Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.9345284   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5328

Google’s removal of anti-Beijing comments raises political eyebrows


ON MAY 26TH Palmer Luckey, an American best known for making virtual-reality headsets, alerted the world to an odd phenomenon. YouTube was deleting all comments which mentioned Wumao, slang for propagandists paid by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to flood online forums with pro-CCP views. “Who at Google [YouTube’s parent] decided to censor American comments on American videos hosted in America by an American platform that is already banned in China?” Mr Luckey asked on Twitter.


Mr Luckey was not the first to notice this, but his tech heft drew an immediate response from the right of the political spectrum, with which he has had connections. Ted Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, called it “very disturbing” and asked why YouTube was “censoring Americans on behalf of the CCP”. Jim Banks, a Republican congressman from Indiana, fired off a letter to Sundar Pinchai, Google’s boss. One would expect, he wrote, that the “spirit” of the First Amendment would be extended into the American firm’s online platforms.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.9345307   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5340 >>5377 >>5605 >>5835

Trump expected to sign executive order targeting Twitter, Facebook


President Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Thursday that would begin a review of laws that protect Twitter, Facebook and Google from responsibility for postings from users on their sites, according to reports.


The president on Wednesday threatened to “shut them down” after Twitter added a fact-checking flag to two Trump tweets about how allowing mail-in voting this November could lead to rampant fraud and a “rigged election.”


The executive order will reportedly direct the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission to examine whether they could adjust or place new regulations on the social media companies that would curb their powers, the Associated Press said, citing a draft of the proposal.


It would seek to clarify regulations under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that exempts online platforms from legal liability for material posted by their users, allowing them to be treated more like publishers, Reuters and the Associated Press reported.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.9345337   🗄️.is đź”—kun

WATCH over 40 KG of explosives TEAR APART car as Indian police prevent terrorist massacre in Kashmir


A massive car bombing has been prevented in Kashmir, after Indian security forces successfully intercepted a vehicle carrying over 40 kilograms of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).


A massive car bombing has been prevented in Kashmir, after Indian security forces successfully intercepted a vehicle carrying over 40 kilograms of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).The video shows a white Hyundai Santro being ripped apart by the explosion, as a disposal squad defused the IEDs in a controlled environment, after evacuating residents from nearby homes.


#WATCH J&K: In-situ explosion of the vehicle, which was carrying IED, by Police in Pulwama. Major incident of vehicle-borne IED explosion was averted by Police, CRPF & Army after Pulwama Police got credible info last night that a terrorist was moving with an explosive-laden car

— ANI (@ANI) May 28, 2020


Police received a tip-off about a possible terrorist attack in the northern city of Pulwama on Wednesday evening, allowing them to move in and prevent large-scale loss of life.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.9345414   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5625 >>5835

German police raids homes of anti-government groups


BERLIN (AP) — Police in Germany have raided dozens of homes linked to anti-government groups suspected of manufacturing fake documents.


Prosecutors in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe said the 25 premises searched Wednesday were tied to 31 suspected members of the Reich Citizens movement.

Members of the Reich Citizens movement reject the current German state order. The movement overlaps with far-right extremist groups and has come under closer scrutiny from authorities after a number of violent incidents involving so-called Reich Citizens.


Prosecutors said the suspects forged passports, driving licenses and citizenship certificates.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.9345475   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5586

Huawei CFO Loses Bid for Freedom as Canadian Court Rules Extradition Case Must Continue


Huawei chief executive officer Meng Wanzhou has lost a bid for freedom after a Canadian judge ruled against the defense—meaning the extradition trial in Canada will continue onto the next stage.


British Columbia’s Supreme Court Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes ruled that fraud charges against Meng met the extradition requirement of “double criminality,” a rule which states that the U.S. crime Meng is accused of committing also constitutes a crime in Canada.


Meng’s team had argued that the case should be thrown out because the offense was not a crime in Canada, as the country did not have sanctions against Iran like the United States did.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.9345498   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5508 >>5601 >>5694 >>5835

MORE FAKE NEWS: New York Times Admits Report on 26-Yr-Old E.R. Doctor Who Died from Coronavirus Was Completely Made Up


Back in April The New York Times Magazine ran a report on a brave 26-year-old Emergency Room doctor in New York City who contracted the coronavirus and later died.


Well, it was all hogwash.


The New York Times admitted this week the doctor didn’t die and didn’t have coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.9345536   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5544 >>5559 >>5620 >>5649

It’s time to let the Patriot Act’s domestic surveillance programs die permanently


Congress has failed to enact even the most basic reforms to ineffective and invasive mass government surveillance programs authorized under FISA. They should let them sunset and never bring them back.


The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on legislation that would reauthorize several domestic surveillance authorities including Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT ACT. They may also vote on an amendment offered by Representatives Lofgren and Davidson that claims to prevent mass surveillance of US internet activity, but in fact fails to do so thanks to a major loophole added by Rep Adam Schiff at the last minute. House reps should vote no on both the underlying USA Freedom Reauthorization Act, and –– unless it is improved –– the watered down Lofgren/Davidson amendment, which essentially throws immigrant communities under the bus and could potentially be used to conduct dragnet surveillance of all people who have watched a specific YouTube video or visited a specific website.


Digital rights group Fight for the Future, who have long opposed the reauthorization of the Patriot Act and related surveillance authorities, issued the following statement, which can be attributed to Deputy Director Evan Greer (she/her):

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.9345628   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Huawei and the Chinese surveillance network in Africa


On the surface, Huawei is privately owned. Since 2012, the U.S. has accused the company of being a potential tool for surveillance abroad. While it is not state-owned, Beijing has legislation that requires companies to assist in national intelligence work. Huawei is the world’s largest telecommunications company with a reported $121 billion in revenue last year alone. Huawei has established its Safe City Initiative surveillance system in 700 cities and regions across the globe. Using facial recognition and artificial intelligence software, 12 African countries have integrated into the surveillance system. With accusations of Huawei employees helping Ugandan intelligence to spy on political opponents, the initiative may become a tool for authoritarianism in the continent.


  1. There is no evidence that Huawei or China approved the actions of employees working with Ugandan intelligence.


  1. China is the worst abuser of internet freedoms for the fourth year in a row (Freedom on the Net 2019).


  1. The Safe City Initiative is operating in Xinjiang to target Uyghur Muslims and minorities. Of which 1.5 million are in internment camps.


  1. American, British and Israeli firms are also exporting surveillance software and systems. Uganda is diversifying its import of surveillance capability and through ZTE (Huawei competitor) is one of three African countries being pilot tested for the 5G network.

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.9345712   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Minneapolis Mayor Requests National Guard After Protests Turn Violent


Thursday after violent protests and looting have left parts of his city in rubble.


Is this what you guys call #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd


I am sure he would be very proud of your thieving asses. #target #GeorgeFloyd


— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 28, 2020

Anonymous ID: 29dc09 May 28, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.9345794   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5815 >>5881

Texas Supreme Court puts the brakes on mail-in voting over fear of catching the coronavirus


The Texas AG has just won a big battle at the Texas Supreme Court over five counties who wanted to use the coronavirus as an excuse to push mail-in voting:


DALLAS MORNING NEWS – The Texas Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that lack of immunity to COVID-19 alone is not a physical disability that qualifies people to vote by mail.


The ruling is a victory for Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has argued that only a physical illness or disability that prevents voters from going to the polls should qualify people to vote by mail. It is a loss for the Texas Democratic Party and voting rights groups who had pushed for expanded mail voting during the coronavirus pandemic and had won temporary victories in lower courts.


In the majority opinion from the Texas Supreme Court, Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, joined by six other justices, acknowledged the intense political debate surrounding voting by mail.