As soon as Q Team releases the communications intercepts proving a coordinated world wide release of a biological weapon in our nursing homes and urban hospitals proving coordination between insurance companies, health & hospital officials, foreign governments and the Democratss to cull the nursing home population to ease socialized healthcare costs, simulate a fast spreading virus pandemic outbreak, institute curtailment of freedoms, increase electronic monitoring, crash the WW economy and hurt Trump's chances at reelection in a criminal medical malpractice fraud scheme of epic proportions.
What do we have the NSA for if they do not immediately release the communications intercepts that made this crime possible. Do your job, arrest the perpetrators of this attack on humanity and make an example of them so nothing like this will ever occur again.
We are counting on POTUS & Q team & the NSA to release the truth about what really happened here & hold the UK, UN, NATO & every foreign country accountable along with our own Deep State & not hide behind the China narrative. We elected POTUS to defend us and avert attacks like this. You failed in that. Do not fail in holding the light of truth & justice on those responsible.