Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.9350622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651 >>0792

People in Minneapolis broke into Planet Fitness just to start working out bruh


Baker, Notable

Gyms closed too long when people break in during a riot to get the blood pumping… those are terrorists so time to bring in the military!

Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.9350646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0657 >>0901 >>1039 >>1236

Minnesota Governor Activates National Guard


[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz today signed Executive Order 20-65, activating the Minnesota National Guard to help protect Minnesotans’ safety and maintain peace in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Local leaders have requested National Guard resources after extensive damage to private property occurred and peaceful protests evolved into a dangerous situation for protesters and first responders.


“It is time to rebuild. Rebuild the city, rebuild our justice system, and rebuild the relationship between law enforcement and those they’re charged to protect. George Floyd’s death should lead to justice and systemic change, not more death and destruction. As George Floyd’s family has said, ‘Floyd would not want people to get hurt. He lived his life protecting people.’ Let’s come together to rebuild, remember, and seek justice for George Floyd,” said Governor Walz.


“The anger and grief of this moment is unbearable. People deserve to be seen. People deserve to be heard. People deserve to be safe,” said Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan. “While many Minnesotans are taking extensive safety precautions while exercising their right to protest, the demonstration last night became incredibly unsafe for all involved. The purpose of the National Guard is to protect people, to protect people safely demonstrating, and to protect small business owners.”


“As Governor, I will always defend the right to protest,” Governor Walz continued. “It is how we express pain, process tragedy, and create change. That is why I am answering our local leaders’ request for Minnesota National Guard assistance to protect peaceful demonstrators, neighbors, and small businesses in Minnesota.”


The National Guard Adjutant General will work with local government agencies to provide personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to respond to and recover from this emergency.


Additionally, the Minnesota State Patrol will assist in public safety efforts for the next several days. Approximately 200 troopers will work with state, county, and local community and public safety partners. State Patrol helicopters and fixed wind aircraft will also be available to assist law enforcement officers on the ground.


This Executive Order also declares a peacetime emergency, which activates the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) to help coordinate the state’s response. As the SEOC is already activated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will concurrently support the COVID-19 response and the City of Minneapolis and surrounding communities during this situation.

Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.9350884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0932

Man breaks into California bank to heat up Hot Pocket


SAN DIEGO, Calfornia – In just about every case of a bank break-in, the responsible parties are typically after money inside.


That was not the case at a San Diego Wells Fargo. A man accused of shattering a window to get in the bank branch wanted to use the microwave.


The man was taken into custody after surveillance cameras showed him breaking in and heating up Hot Pockets to eat.


"Was it worth it?" a reporter on the scene asked the man as he was led to a waiting police cruiser.


"Was it worth it? Yeah, it was worth it," he said. "A Hot Pocket? Hell, yeah."


The man, who told reporters he is homeless, said he ate two of the microwaveable turnovers while inside the bank.

Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.9350935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LA Metro: 45-Day Public Review Set For $400B, 30-Year Transit Plan


The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) Board of Directors has authorized the release of an updated draft of its 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan (2020 LRTP), a $400 billion, 30-year transportation blueprint for the region. There is a 45-day public review period (through July 13, 2020) to gather comments.


The plan, Metro said “lays out a future vision and roadmap for bringing about a more mobile, sustainable and vibrant future for Los Angeles County. Through extensive public outreach during the past 18 months that included 77 community meetings, 28 public workshop meetings and 20,000 survey responses from the public, Metro has distilled the region’s desires into four goals: Better Transit, Less Congestion, Complete Streets and Access to Opportunity.”


The draft 2020 LRTP outlines what Metro “is doing currently and must do for Los Angeles County over the next 30 years. Current challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, will present opportunities for Metro to take bold action and help achieve mobility improvements for the region.”


The 2020 LRTP details how Metro will add more than 100 miles over the next 30 years, “the most aggressive transit expansion plan in the nation.” Beyond transit, Metro will invest in arterial and highway projects to reduce congestion—such as the I-5 North enhancements project and adding more ExpressLanes—and bicycle and pedestrian projects, such as the L.A. River Path Project to close the eight-mile gap in the path between Elysian Valley and Maywood.


In addition, the draft 2020 LRTP includes more than $200 billion for operations and state of good repair, as well as $38 billion in funding for local agencies to maintain their transportation systems.


The plan also notes “the potential to deliver significant mobility benefits to the region through the major capital projects, programs and bold policies.” After implementation, those benefits include 21% of county residents and 36% of jobs within a 10-minute walk of rail or BRT (bus rapid transit) options, up from only 8% of residents and 16% of jobs currently. If implemented, the plan aims to result in an 81% increase in daily transit trips, a 31% decrease in traffic delays and a 19% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.


The 2020 LRTP is available for viewing and public comment at The 45-day public review period will run from May 29, 2020 through July 13, 2020. Those interested is providing comments can submit by mail to: Attn Long Range Planning, LA Metro, One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952 or by phone: 213.922.2833 or by email at Metro’s Board of Directors are expected to adopt the Final 2020 LRTP toward the end of summer 2020.


“Over the coming decades, Metro will be faced with numerous complex decisions about how to address our region’s transportation challenges,” said Metro Board Chair and Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts. “Significant investments will be needed to maintain the region’s aging roadway and transit systems, while managing and modernizing the system to prioritize safe and reliable transportation services.”


Since the plan was announced, Fitch Ratings analysts Andrew Ward, Senior Director, and Primary Rating Analyst; Karen Ribble, Senior Director and Secondary Rating Analyst; and Jose Acosta, Senior Director and Committee Chairperson, have noted that Metro’s “Rating Outlook is Stable.” Read the analysis in its entirety below:


Fitch Ratings has assigned an “AA+” rating to the following Metro bonds:

• $29 million Proposition C sales tax revenue refunding bonds, senior bonds, series 2020-A.


In addition, Fitch has affirmed the following:

• Metro’s Issuer Default Rating (IDR) is at AA+.

• Outstanding Proposition C sales tax revenue bonds at AA+.


The bonds are scheduled to sell via competitive sale on or about June 3, 2020. Bond proceeds will refund some or all of the authority’s outstanding 2010-A bonds for economic savings and pay costs of issuance.


Baker, Notable

Socialist New Green BS embedded in the deal? Anons let your voice and comments be heard!

Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.9351022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1078 >>1161


Los Angeles: Islamic call to prayer blasted over loudspeaker beginning at 4:30AM sparks noise complaints


Culver City, eh? It’s likely that most of the people who were complaining were Leftists who, in other contexts, would denounce concern about jihad violence and Sharia oppression as “Islamophobia” and “bigotry.” So now they have what they have wanted and enabled. They should be very proud. They can get up at 4:30 every morning and celebrate diversity.


Remember: mosques didn’t have loudspeakers in Muhammad’s time, and don’t need them now, especially given the fact that everyone has a smartphone that could quite easily alert him or her to prayer times. The broadcasting of the adhan over loudspeakers is nothing more than a declaration of supremacism.


“Islamic Call to Prayer Blaring 5 Times a Day During Coronavirus Lockdown Sparks Noise Complaints in Los Angeles (VIDEO),” by Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit, May 23, 2020:


Socialism, Sharia law and Islam are creeping in while we are all distracted with authoritarian Coronavirus lockdown orders.


The Muslim community has been flexing its muscle since government officials have ordered unconstitutional lockdown orders across the country.


Culver City is the latest Southern California city to allow the Islamic call to prayer, or “adhan,” to blare five times a day from a loudspeaker (beginning at 4:30 AM) during the Coronavirus shutdown.


Many residents in Culver City however say the Islamic call to prayer is too loud and made formal complaints to the police department.


Mahmood Navi stood on the roof of King Fahad Mosque and used a microphone to belt out the Islamic all to prayer.


The mosque has a giant blue and white minaret that towers over the street in Culver City.


WATCH (looks and sounds like the Middle East):


Feel The Sound Of Azan 😊


Historic moment #King_Fahad_Mosque Azan on the loudspeaker for the first time Culver city California 😍


— Irfan Raaz Hadi ( ) (@IrfanRaazHadi) May 16, 2020


The police department revoked the amplified noise permit after numerous complaints from residents.


However, three days later, the city reinstated the permit if the mosque agreed to lower the volume.


Los Angeles Time [sic] reported:


Outside the Culver City mosque, some pedestrians stopped in their tracks when they first heard the adhan, seemingly surprised. This was something new, and it was not altogether clear how it would be received — as with many things Muslim in the U.S.


But in Culver City, the call to prayer did not go unchallenged for long.


After four days, on May 18, the city’s police department revoked the amplified noise permit, citing people congregating at the mosque in violation of the county health order, as well as “numerous loud noise complaints from area residents.”


“We have had and will continue to have a great relationship with mosque leadership,” said Capt. Jason Sims with the Culver City Police Department. “We are certainly happy to help with facilitating any type of service that is not in violation of county health orders.”


Three days later, the city changed course again, reinstating the permit on the condition that the mosque lower the volume.


Meanwhile, on the Nextdoor social networking app, debates raged between neighbors.


Recall, For the first time in the history of Minnesota, the Muslim call to prayer was broadcast over an outdoor speaker placed over the rooftop of Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Cedar-Riverside neighborhood….


Baker, Notable

King Fahad Mosque, eh? Same Saudi money that funded 9/11, now building antisemitic arsenals right in the heart of a heavily Je**** community.

Anonymous ID: 2c2566 May 28, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.9351043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker, Notable

>The Key Points of Trump’s Executive Order on Social Media Censorship


Based on the draft, here is a summary of the order’s key provisions:


  • It redefines official U.S. policy towards social media platforms, stating “it is the policy of the United States that large social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, as the functional equivalent of a traditional public forum, should not infringe on protected speech.”

  • Citing Packingham v. North Carolina, the executive order describes social media platforms as the “modern public square.”

  • “Communication through these channels has become important for meaningful participation in American democracy, including to petition elected leaders.”

  • The head of every executive department and agency is instructed to review its agency’s federal spending and advertising and marketing on online platforms, and will be prohibited from advertising on platforms that violate free speech principles.

  • The Secretary of Commerce, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, will petition the FCC to propose regulations that clarify the provisions of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, specifically the provision that gives tech platforms immunity for “good faith” efforts to filter or remove content that is “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable.”

  • The order asks the FCC to define actions from tech companies that are considered to be “deceptive, pretextual, or inconsistent with a provider’s terms of service” and actions that are the result of “inadequate notice, the product of unseasoned explanation, or having been undertak[en] without a meaningful opportunity to be heard” as outside the bounds of “good faith.”

  • The White House Office of Digital Strategy will reestablish a tool previously used by the administration to allow American citizens to report cases of tech bias to the federal government. These complaints will be directed to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the latter of which will be asked to investigate them as potential cases of deceptive business practices.

  • The Attorney General is directed to establish a working group regarding the enforcement of State law that prohibits companies from engaging in “unfair and deceptive acts and practices.” State AGs will be invited to participate.