not talking about a computer either
Talking about MEME makersHAMMERING HOMEthese messages…
Need to hammer home that four contractors had unlimited, unreported access to US intel under Hussein, including Crowdstrike.
Need to hammer that Crowdstrike is based in the Ukraine.
Need to hammer that Crowdstrike spoofed the "hacked" DNC server for analysis.
Need to hammer that Crowdstrike admitted there was no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server.
Need to hammer that all forensic evidence points to someone downloading DNC data for hand-off to Wikileaks.
Need to hammer that Julian practically stated that Seth Rich was his source and put out a reward for info on Seth's murder.
Need justice for Seth Rich.
Need to hammer Crowdstrike into a penny stock.
Need to expose theHAMMER.