Notable, LB
Anon remembers some years ago being on forums now scattered to the winds, wherein the points enumerated in this critical thinking post would have been called out within an hour of the footage being released.
Anons in this movement have reason to be proud of their work over these last two and a half years. That said, too much emphasis on digging into the arcana of the conspiracies can yield full-on frontal blind spots. Read these points, and then look at the footage again, and ask yourself why you didn't see it before. Also, there must be EMTanons frequenting this board. Why weren't they calling bullshit on these procedural anomalies?
From now on, whenever there is an event like this, get beyond the vague suspicion that the timing is too perfect, and look for obvious signs of fakery, obvious holes in the plot. Occam's razor will often cut deeper than "Manchurian candidate" or "MKUltra patsy".