Anonymous ID: d8366d May 28, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.9355466   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5490

This fell off the end of the last bread so reposting…




El Salvador's president: Most world leaders are taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus, why are the masses being told no?


SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) -



Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele said on Tuesday he takes hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug that U.S. President Donald Trump has promoted as a way to ward off the novel coronavirus, though experts have warned about its safety.


Bukele told reporters that El Salvador was not promoting it anymore as a treatment, following the recommendation of the World Health Organization, though patients would still be able to take it as a preventative measure if they wished.


"I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world's leaders use it as a prophylaxis, " Bukele said.


My comment: That means it is TOTALLY safe and the leaders behind the corona scam want their safety while they use a threat to manipulate everyone else. If you want to instantly know the enemy, any leader that states chloroquine is dangerous and should not be used for corona IS THE ENEMY. Nancy Pelosi takes it. There are NO "Experts" saying to not take it, only scammers are saying that.

Anonymous ID: d8366d May 28, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.9355582   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5748



The Cop's neighbors had no idea he was a cop -


Neighbors ALWAYS know if a neighbor is a cop, unless he's an undercover cop, which he clearly was not in the video. Like I stated in the "diesel blunder" the whole thing was likely a crisis act, with numerous things wrong with it. Now that we have other evidence this was faked, I'll re-type what I lost in the power outage:

In the videos of this (I'll post them later again) there are major problems.


  1. You can tell when the ambulance arrives and the officer gets off the victim there was no pressure being applied.


  1. When the ambulance arrives, rather than tend the victim, which the official reports states the ambulance was warned he needed medical attention and was unresponsive, they did not tend to him immediately on the ground, instead they loaded him onto the gurney without checking a damn thing, pushed him into the ambulance and drove off. There's a HUGE problem with that.


Standard EMT procedure in this case is FIRST to take his pulse and administer CPR if needed RIGHT WHERE HE IS FOUND LAYING. EMT's do not load people onto the stretcher first, they first get the person stable if possible and then load them. No one at any point, no officer and no EMT ever checked the guy's pulse. That there alone proves it was a crisis act, done by people who were not professionals knowledgeable enough to even fake it good.


  1. Since no one checked the guy's pulse, how did the cops know he was not going to wake up in the ambulance and raise hell? I can't begin to describe what a screw up that was, and to top it all off, in ALL CASES, conscious or not, the cops pick people up up and throw them in the back seat. They would not have called an ambulance at all, having never checked his pulse. He'd have been loaded like a side of beef and taken to the station.


  1. The appalling "I am so proud" show by the "officer" at the end was obviously done for the sole purpose of angering the public.


So here we have a story where the neighbors never knew he was a cop, where the victim was never checked at all, just loaded onto a stretcher, when he could have woken up and caused a problem. The police will NEVER DO THAT, THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT EVER, FAKE COPS, FAKE EMT'S FAKE STORY.


This story is another box of fruit loops, and now some in Minnesota's government are calling to declare "racism" a public health emergency like COVID. TOO OBVIOUS.