dumb fuckers would disperse so fast.
for the Republic!
the state allows for some of this behavior
like a tea kettle
little steam comes out
pot simmers down
blah de blah de blah
it would be so easy to just tiananmen square the resistance
any serious resistance from the militarized police state and the kids would all run home
ya'll r just fucking idiots
freakin' out about nothing
it is just a collective temper tantrum
happens all the time
america has the most inept, misguided, miseducated, completely neutered "resistance"
"the resistance" is drunk on fucking shit up
who cares
they are not "burning down the city"
it is a couple of structure fires
and some kids in the street
sub.par to super bowl after-parties
just people blowing off steam.
quickly fades
like it never happened.
into the memory hole
time to shut it down
bring out the bikes!
they run in fear
of city police
on bikes
that are fat
cause they aren't willing to risk getting blasted with a little tear gas.
people just show up for a night of fun
not like it changes anything