'According to Time Magazine, actor Jesse Williams, in accepting a humanitarian award from Black Entertainment Television, gave a “powerful” speech about police misconduct and black oppression. The speech ran nearly 4 minutes.
The take-way? The police routinely and illegally use deadly force against blacks while treating similarly situated whites in a different, less deadly way. Williams insisted that the facts back up this claim. “What we’ve been doing,” said Williams, “is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people everyday.”
The problem is that the “data” say the opposite. The police do kill whites everyday. And given the fact that whites account for 10 percent of violent crime, but are 50 percent of those who die at the hand of the police, white people actually have more to complain about than Mr. Williams. “Adjusted for the homicide rate,” says criminology professor Peter Moskos, “whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”
The “data” from the Centers for Disease Control shows that in 2014, the latest year data are available, 131 blacks and 261 whites were killed by cops. From 1999 to 2013, the totals were 1,724 black and 3,160 white. As to 2015, there are as of yet no official numbers. But the Washington Post says – according to its own tally – that 965 people were killed by police and less than 4 percent were white cops killing unarmed black men.
fact or fiction?
be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills