This Q post remains fascinating to me.
My read:
>Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
>Biggest connection missing.
>Focus on friends (2).
>(1) F
>(1) M
1 female friend, one male.
>(1) Presidential pardon.
>(1) 187 MS_13
1 was pardoned by a president, so it was either BC or Hussein
1 was murdered
Had to be satanic cult related.
So cult related. Connecting a few dots:
Starting theory: clowns are deeply meshed into satanic stuff. Blackmail? Leaders inside the clowns? By direction of the head families? Experimentation? Maybe all?
Is rap music infiltrated by the clowns?
We saw MK Ultra lead to LSD in the public, namely the G Dead crowd. JP Barlow heartattacked.
Then we saw all forms of satanic influence in heavy metal. Heavy metal kinda died.
Now comes rap. Its obvious JZ and B are in it deep. Are they the apex of this shit? Directing traffic? Jimmy Ionnne looks involved, remember he left Appl and other stuff… connects right to Dre and to Eminem.
Still thinking this thru, but I think it makes sense.