I agree stay cool headed and let authorities deal with it, I will protect myself and my family if I have to but am not looking for trouble
Yea my blood is boiling, we are getting riled up and then have to watch nothing being done about it, it's maddening. I don't think I can take much more.
some people are shills and are feeding it for sure, but many of us have been here a long time and it's hard to take watching things not happening about mass murder in nursing homes and such. We just need things to happen.
Make the media that does not report news fairly register as polititcal action committees
also why did the police officer keep his knee on his kneck after he was already out cold?
If a news station shows significant bias I don't think the organization should be categorized as news media. They should have to register as a political action committee with the Federal Elections Commission, and display that on their screens that they are political advertising not news. This needs to happen.
still even if they were EMS they did not do anything on the scene to revive the patient, very odd
yes that is CPR 101, I am certified but I am not a medical professional even I know that
it really has to happen, they should have to display a disclaimer saying they are a registered political action committee