Hey anons, Lurker here for over 3 years, just wanted to say something, things are moving so quickly and I trust my gut today even more confidently because of you all, many of the things I had suspected have actually been proven by your research and pointed in directions for me to look further on my own. Thank you all for that. It appears that things are at a different place and time, like we are in the midst of a new start to something very crucial and I believe that it will start to speed up before things calm down, we have been in the storm or a while just not sure where in the storm we are, but we are entering a new part its what I mean. Godspeed to all anon Patriots, I am here and there doing both life and redpilling around me and on my social media accounts. Never let down your guard, stick to the facts, do not fear for the ride will get bumpier I believe but popcorn in hand and praying with my heart.
You are all the heroes I imagined you to be wherever and whoever you are. You have my profound respect and gratitude. Have a beautiful day, stop and think of your loved ones in prayer and of course I pray for all of you. We will win, We are winning and that which we could not see before is being revealed…