Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9362977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Campaign Quietly Cancels Fundraiser Headlined By Mueller's 'Pit Bull' Lawyer


The Biden campaign has quietly canceled a fundraiser headlined by Andrew Weissman - former special counsel Robert Mueller's 'attack dog' lawyer who hand-picked the so-called '13 angry Democrats.'


Weissman, who attended Hillary Clinton's election night party in 2016, donated to Obama and the DNC, yet somehow conducted an unbiased investigation that turned up snake-eyes, was set to do a June 2 "fireside chat" with Biden, according to the WSJ, which notes that the fundraiser was pulled right after it was posted late last week - shortly after the Trump campaign began to latch onto it.


Weissman - known as the "architect" of the case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort - notably reached out to a Ukrainian oligarch for dirt on Trump and his team days after FBI agent Peter Strzok texted "There's no big there there" regarding the Trump investigation in exchange for 'resolving the Firtash case' in Chicago, in which he was charged in 2014 with corruption and bribery linked to a US aerospace deal.


According to investigative journalist John Solomon, Firtash turned down Weissman's offer because he didn't have credible information or evidence against Trump, Manafort, or anyone else.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9363004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkish Erdoğan ally threatens Greeks with invasion and genocide


A prominent Turkish politician who is allied with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has threatened Greece with invasion and genocide on social media.


İsmet Büyükataman, the Secretary General of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and a sitting Bursa deputy, issued the threat on Twitter yesterday. The MHP is a nationalist party that is currently the fourth-largest in the Turkish Parliament, and it is part of the country’s ruling coalition alongside President Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP). The party’s youth wing is the notorious Gray Wolves, a paramilitary organisation that is suspected of carrying out terrorist attacks in the past.


“Our advice to the Greek state is that between 1919-22, the people who witnessed the massacres in the Turkish nation tied the collars of their grandchildren,” Büyükataman wrote in the tweet. “Otherwise, we remind you that Ataturk is not exhausted in the great Turkish nation. This time, they may have to swim to Sicily.”


Büyükataman is referring to the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922, when Greece invaded Turkish Anatolia, including the port city of Smyrna. The region had historically been a part of Greece and was still home to a large Greek population. Greece attacked after having been promised by the victorious Allies in the First World War that the territory would be returned to them, and to protect the Greek population in the area from Turkish atrocities that had become commonplace in the preceding years.


The Greek forces were driven back in August 1922. When Turkish forces recaptured Smyrna, they set fire to the Greek and Armenian districts of the city in what became known as the “Great Fire of Smyrna.” The resulting Greek deaths have been estimated as being upwards of 100,000. Many women were raped, and tens of thousands of Greek and Armenian men were deported to labor camps where many more died. Europeans of several other nations who were present in the city during its recapture were murdered as well. It is celebrated as a great victory in Turkey. Ataturk, the founder of the modern-day Republic of Turkey, was the President of Turkey at the time.


In his tweet, Büyükataman is suggesting that Greece may soon see a repeat of these atrocities, although the “swim to Sicily” comment implies that this time Turkey would undertake an invasion and genocide in Greece itself.


It may also not be coincidental that Büyükataman made the tweet on May 28, the day before the anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453.


Büyükataman’s comments should definitely not be taken lightly given the sharp rise in tensions between Greece and Turkey in recent months. Earlier this year Turkey unleashed an army of migrants who attempted to illegally storm the border between the two countries along the Evros River, often with the aid of Turkish security forces. Additionally, the Turkish armed forces have been making provocative moves against Greece, repeatedly violating Greek airspace and waters with military craft, firing weapons across the border, and even invading and occupying a patch of Greek territory, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9363027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3111

Grimes will legally sell her soul as part of a virtual art exhibit titled 'Selling Out'


Grimes plans to legally sell her soul as part of an upcoming digital art exhibit.


The singer and artist, whose real name is Claire Boucher, is opening a new exhibit titled “Selling Out” in which she’ll accept payment for a slew of artwork, including prints, drawings, photographs and more.


However, according to Bloomberg, the most peculiar addition to the list of things going up for sale is a legal document she drafted with her lawyer that will entitle someone to purchase her soul. As for how much a celebrity’s soul goes for, the artist first set the price at a staggering $10 million.


“I didn’t want anyone to buy it, so I said we should just make it $10 million, and then it probably won’t sell," she said.


However, she notes that “the deeper we got with it, the more philosophically interesting it became.”


“Also, I really wanted to collaborate with my lawyer on art,” she added. “The idea of fantastical art in the form of legal documents just seems very intriguing to me.”


However, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing businesses to shut down and countless people to be without work in the global economy, she rethought the hefty price tag, instead opting to settle on the “best offer,” therefore letting the public decide what her soul is worth.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9363056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3297 >>3532 >>3627

Far-Left Extremists Arrested While Attempting to Bomb Home of Former Greek Minister


Greek police arrested two far-left extremists in Thessaloniki, after the pair attempted to set off explosives at the house of conservative former Minister of State Dimitris Stamatis.


The pair, a 27-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman, were arrested on Wednesday morning in the Kalamariá area of the city as the male was attempting to detonate improvised explosives he had hidden in his backpack.


Following the arrests, police raided four houses in the centre of the city connected with the pair. Investigators found a tear gas grenade, four homemade explosives, a slingshot with metal bolts, plastic bottles full of flammable material, cannabis, and electronics that will be examined by a crime lab, Proto Thema reports.


Police suspect another ten people as being connected to the case, and prosecutors have said they will charge the pair with several indictments including attempted bombing, possession of explosives, possession of small amounts of narcotics, and forming a criminal organisation.


Both of the suspects have denied the allegations, according to their lawyers.


Investigators were tipped off to the pair’s activities after watching the woman observe a nearby apartment while on her bicycle. The 27-year-old male was seen visiting the area a short time later and trying to light fuses for the improvised explosives.


The case comes just over a week after far-left Antifa extremists were believed to be behind a coordinated number of arson attacks across Athens, with 40 people arrested in connection with the incident. All suspects were later released due to a lack of evidence.


The attempted bomb plot against former minister Stamatis echoes the bombing of a party office of Matteo Salvini’s League in the city of Treviso in August of 2018.


The far-left “Santiago Maldonado Cell” later took credit for the bombing which damaged the door at the entrance. Police were able to disarm a second explosive device that is believed to have been the main bomb. The first was designed to lure police.


Spanish anarchist Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez was arrested last year in connection with the bombing, a long-time far-left extremist.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.9363083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110 >>3297 >>3532 >>3627

Police Investigate Human Trafficking, Slavery of Romanian Fruit Pickers


Kent police arrested five people in connection with the alleged trafficking and exploitation of Romanian fruit pickers.


Detectives from the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate confirmed on Thursday that a raid was conducted last Friday on a property in Chatham, in the Medway area. Four men, aged 19 to 39, and one woman, aged 41, were arrested. They were later released from custody, pending further police inquiries.


Several suspected victims of slavery have also since been taken to places of safety, according to KentOnline.


Detective Sergeant Stacey Chapman, of the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking team, told the regional news outlet: “Victims of modern slavery and human trafficking offences are often made to work long hours for very little reward, brought to this country on the promise of a better life but forced to endure terrible living conditions and threatened with violence or deportation if they dare to challenge those responsible.”


In 2017, the National Crime Agency (NCA) warned that modern slavery was on the rise in the UK and was “far more prevalent than previously thought”.


The NCA blamed the European Union’s regime of Freedom of Movement — where citizens of member states can live and work in any other member state, with no minimum salary requirements or visas — for the rise. NCA director Will Kerr said at the time it was “definitely a factor”, adding: “Where you can move more freely… there will be gangs who will look to get involved in that process.”


It is believed that there are tens of thousands of slaves around the country, forced into prostitution and labour. While it is said to affect all areas of the United Kingdom, Scotland Yard’s head of the anti-slavery unit said in 2017 that London had become a global hotspot.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9363100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124 >>3297 >>3532 >>3627

Another Convicted Child Sex Offender Arrested After Re-Entering U.S.


El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested yet another previously convicted and deported child sex offender after he illegally re-entered the United States in Southern California. This is the second arrest in less than a week in this border sector.


Agents patrolling on Interstate 8 a few miles east of Ocotillo, California, on Wednesday morning stopped a vehicle they suspected of smuggling illegal immigrants, according to information provided by El Centro Sector Border Patrol officials. Inside the vehicle, the agents identified the driver and five passengers.


During an immigration interview, the agents identified the driver as a 44-year-old United States citizens, officials reported. They also identified all five passengers as Mexican nationals — all illegally present in the United States.


The agents carried out an initial medical screening to ensure the migrants were safe for transport. They then transported the migrants and the suspected human smuggler to the Border Patrol station for processing and a criminal background investigation.


During a biometric background check, the agents identified one of the illegal aliens as a previously convicted sex offender. A Santa Maria court convicted the man for “Sex with a Minor 3 Plus Years Younger,” officials reported. The court sentenced the Mexican man to 18 months in prison following the conviction.


The agents processed the driver for Alien Smuggling charges under 8 USC 1324.


Under Title 42 Coronavirus protection protocols put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, al five of the adult Mexican males were expelled to Mexico.


Officials said this is the second incident in less than a week where agents arrested previously convicted and deported child sex offenders. On Saturday, Calexico Station Border Patrol agents patrolling the border about 18 miles west of the Calexico West Port of Entry early on Saturday morning encountered a man they believed had illegally crossed the border from Mexico, Breitbart Texas reported.


After an initial medical screening, the agents took the Mexican man to the Calexico Station for a biometric background investigation. During a records check, the agent discovered that a court in Santa Clara, California, convicted the man for “Lewd and Lascivious Acts with a Child” in July 2007, officials reported. The court sentenced the man with an extensive criminal history to one year in jail following the conviction. Records also revealed that immigration officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removed the Mexican national on two previous occasions. Officials did not disclose the dates of the previous removals.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9363138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

India backs hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus prevention


NEW DELHI: India's top biomedical research body on Tuesday (May 26) backed the use of the anti-malarial hydroxychloroquine as a preventive against coronavirus, after the WHO suspended clinical trials of the drug over safety concerns.


The endorsement from the Indian Council of Medical Research came a week after US President Donald Trump said he was taking the drug as a preventative measure.


Observational and case control studies in India showed there were "no major side effects" of taking the drug as a prophylactic, ICMR Director-General Balram Bhargava said.


Cases of nausea, vomiting and heart palpitations were noted, he added.


Last week, the ICMR - which is leading the government's response to the virus - expanded its advisory for the use of hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure.


The body said all healthcare workers in hospitals and some frontline personnel could now take the drug for up to several weeks under strict medical supervision.


"We recommended that for prophylaxis, it should be continued, because there is no harm. Benefit may be there," Bhargava told reporters.


Bhargava added that when the ICMR weighed the risks and benefits of the drug, it decided that "we should not deny it to our frontline workers and healthcare workers."


But he stressed that personal protective gear should still be worn.


The previous ICMR guidelines for hydroxychloroquine stated that only asymptomatic healthcare workers caring for suspected or confirmed patients, or household contacts of confirmed patients, could be given the drug.


On Monday, the WHO said it was halting testing of the drug as a COVID-19 treatment after studies questioned its safety, including one that found it actually increased the risk of death.


Under India's clinical guidelines for coronavirus treatment, hydroxychloroquine can be administered, but only to patients "with severe disease and requiring ICU management".


India - which accounts for 70 per cent of global production of hydroxychloroquine - on Tuesday reported 145,380 cases of the virus including 4,167 deaths.


The country ramped up output of the drug amid increased demand, after Trump pushed for hydroxychloroquine as a potential shield or treatment for the virus.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9363170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233

After a $25M bailout, American Airlines will be cutting 5K jobs


American Airlines is planning to cut 30% of its management and support staff, a reduction of about 5,000 jobs, because of the toll coronavirus is taking on the business, the company told employees Wednesday.

The airline also started offering buyouts to these employees and said it plans to offer new voluntary leave and buyouts for frontline staff, such as flight attendants, next month, according to a company memo that was viewed by CNBC.


“Although our pre-pandemic liquidity, the significant financial assistance provided by the government, and the cash we’ve raised in the capital markets provide a foundation for stability, we need to reduce our cost structure, including our most significant expense — the cost of compensation and benefits,” Elise Eberwein, American’s executive vice president of people and global engagement, said in the staff note.

American and other airlines are scrambling to cut costs because of the pandemic’s devastating effect on travel demand, which has pushed them to their first losses in years. While more travelers are taking to the skies in recent weeks than last month, demand is still down more than 80% from a year ago.

Airline executives have said they expect to shrink because of the weak demand, which has also prompted them to park hundreds of jetliners, slash routes and urge employees to take voluntary unpaid or partially paid leave, and in some cases retire early.


“Additionally, running a smaller airline means we will need a management and support staff team that is roughly 30% leaner,” Eberwein wrote.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.9363187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds of Millions in Fraudulent Unemployment Payouts Recovered in a Single State


Washington has recovered $300 million paid to criminals who used stolen personal information to file fraudulent unemployment benefit claims amid the current health crisis, state officials said Thursday.


Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine said that she could not yet reveal the precise amount that was paid in fraudulent claims, but said that the initial recovery — including $50 million set to be returned Thursday — was a result of the state’s collaboration with federal law enforcement and financial institutions across the country.

“This is a national attack by sophisticated criminals and isn’t just happening to Washington state,” LeVine said.


LeVine first detailed the scope of the fraud last week, saying that the information of tens of thousands of people in the state was used to fraudulently pay hundreds of millions of dollars in unemployment benefits.


Much of it apparently went to a West African fraud ring using identities stolen in prior data breaches, such as the massive 2017 Equifax breach.


Washington is one of several states where attacks have been detected, including New Mexico, Michigan and Montana, according to California cyber security firm Agari, which has monitored the Nigerian fraud group, dubbed Scattered Canary.


The fraudsters had money sent to prepaid debit cards associated with bank accounts, from which they have it transferred internationally or quickly exchanged for bitcoin or gift cards, according to Patrick Peterson, chief executive of Agari.


LeVine said that the state is recovering additional money from some of the victims of the identity theft who contacted officials after they received debit cards with unemployment benefits they didn’t apply for because the the impostor forgot to change the address on the account.


The state saw a significant decrease in initial claims for unemployment benefits last week, something LeVine said is likely due to the extra anti-fraud efforts taken in recent weeks, including delaying payments by up to two days in order to further verify claims.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9363213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minneapolis police chief confirmed many looters & rioters are not from the city.


Police Chief Medaria Arradondo says many of the people who looted businesses and set fires amid the peaceful protests of George Floyd’s death Wednesday night are not believed to be from Minneapolis.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9363226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247

Erdogan Says Turkey 'Won’t Allow' Israel to Claim New West Bank Territories


The Turkish president's comments come a day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his intention to "apply sovereignty in a wise way in Judea and Samaria", calling parts of the West Bank by their biblical names.


In a televised address for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Israel over its new government's plan to claim parts of the West Bank.


"We are witnessing a new plan of occupation and annexation by Israel that threatens Palestinian sovereignty and is contrary to international law", Erdogan said, adding Turkey is the "only voice defending the Palestinians today".


The Turkish head of state went on to assert his country "won’t allow the transfer of Palestinian land to anyone", denouncing the current "world order":


"The world order has let down the Palestinians, and has not successfully brought peace, justice, security, and order to this part of the world".


He referred to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as the location "holy to three religions" dubbing it "the red line" for Muslims worldwide.


At a meeting behind closed doors with MKs on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated the July date set out in the country’s newly inaugurated coalition agreement for kickstarting the process of extending sovereignty, and made it clear to his Likud lawmakers he has no intention of backtracking on the decision.


"We have an opportunity that hasn't existed since 1948 to apply sovereignty in a wise way and as a diplomatic step in Judea and Samaria, and we will not let this opportunity pass", Netanyahu was quoted by the Times of Israel as saying. In his comments, he brought up the year when the State of Israel was established and opted for the biblical names to refer to the West Bank territory.


These were the first public comments made by the Israeli prime minister since he appeared in court Sunday as litigation in three corruption cases brought against him kicked off.


Gog Magog?

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9363291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3367

Jeff Bezos has been looting America for 20 damn years. He's the richest man in the world, yet his company pays no taxes and half his workers are on public assistance. (Picture)

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.9363394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More than 120 top scientists criticise a series of FLAWS in study that found Trump-backed hydroxychloroquine drug raised the risk of death to Covid-19 patients and halted global trials


More than 120 leading scientists and doctors from around the world have criticised a hydroxychloroquine study that halted global trials of the anti-malaria drug.


The experts have penned an open letter to the editor of the Lancet, the medical journal in which the study was published, raising serious concerns about its methods.


They have highlighted 10 major flaws, including patient data which they say does not match with public health records.


The letter's signatories include prominent Imperial College London epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson, whose stark warning that 250,000 Brits could die without action played a role in the UK triggering lockdown in March. He also made headlines this month after flouting the same lockdown rules to have secret trysts with his married mistress.


US and Swiss scientists behind the Lancet study, published last Friday, found hydroxychloroquine raised the risk of death and heart issues in Covid-19 patients.


Their finding prompted the UK’s drugs watchdog to temporarily suspend two major Oxford University clinical trials of the antimalarial.

The World Health Organization also pulled the plug on its SOLIDARITY study, on the back of the worrying results.


The large observational study analysed data from nearly 15,000 Covid sufferers who received hydroxychloroquine or another form of the drug alone or in combination with antibiotics.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9363457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3517

New Jersey NAACP Leader Calls for Redo of Vote by Mail Election After Massive Irregularities


President Trump is proven right, yet again, this time over mail in ballots. Democrat-run Paterson, New Jersey’s city council elections this month was marred by massive irregularities including about 3,200 ballots not counted out of nearly 17,000 cast, prompting the local NAACP to call for a redo of the election, according to a report by WNBC-TV published Thursday.


Part of the problem: Mail in ballots delivered unsecured to apartment buildings:




A Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.

“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” said Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations…


…Rev. Clayton said the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will soon be filing a written complaint to Gov. Phil Murphy — who ordered the vote-by-mail only election — and State Attorney General Grubir Grewal.


Paterson activist Ernest Rucker said his experience this election is an example of the kind of corruption that allegedly took place. Rucker said he never received a ballot but that election records show someone mailed in a ballot in his name…


…Murphy ordered elections vote-by-mail in an attempt to keep people safe during the coronavirus crisis. In the upcoming primary, the governor will allow one in-person voting site per town.


In addition to apparent problems with the vote count in Paterson, NBC New York has shown video of ballots left out in building lobbies, of one voter handling many ballots, and reported on postal workers reporting finding hundreds of ballots at a time stuffed in mailboxes in Paterson – and even in a neighboring town, Haledon…


End excerpt. Please read the complete WNBC report at this link.

More from Inside NJ:


…The results, if you want to call them that, speak for themselves. As Joe Malinconico of Paterson Press reported, the Passaic County Board of Elections last Friday released a report that showed about 3,200 of the 16,747 mail-in votes submitted in the Paterson election were rejected and not counted in the results.


County officials have said that more than 800 of those votes came under scrutiny for alleged improper bundling of mail-in ballots. But officials have not yet provided a detailed breakdown on why all 3,200 were disqualified…


…If the governor or anyone on his staff had bothered to take a closer look at Paterson’s recent voting history before declaring a total “mail-in’ balloting system for the beleaguered city, they would have found that voting irregularities have been common for at least the past decade, and that they often have concerned shenanigans involving mail-in or absentee balloting.


This is particularly true of the 2nd Ward, where the Election Day outcome is hardly ever the final outcome, and has been over the last few cycles always involved a recount or at least the suggestion of voter fraud. Indeed, four years ago, the current 2nd Ward incumbent, Shaheen Khalique and Akhtaruzzaman engaged in a bitter, lengthy court battle before Khalique was declared the winner.

Anonymous ID: 72300b May 29, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9363489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The media doesn’t care what’s true, they care about calling Trump a liar


Twitter Hires Dr. Fei-Fei Li – CCP Linked AI Expert who was one of the Google scientists who helped build Chinese AI.