POTUS has taken every swamp plan and flipped it on them. Exposing them. FISA, Russia, impeachment, crashing boeing, borders, immigration, all of soros/bloom/gates subversive plans. All we need to see in MN is the District Attn/Mayor/Sen Klub/Rep Omar ARE ALL SOROS/SWAMP OWNED.
I bet that police station was old and needed to be refurbished. The cops pull out and show that none of these people have control of their municipalities. 330 million people. there are crazy interactions every day the media can exploit to force a reaction from the masses.
How Twatter was not exposed from OCCUPY WALL STREET. All of a sudden 3000 upset NYer's would show up on a given corner. They were at first telling everyone to go on twatter, to push the platform. Activism = subversism. WAKE THE EFF UP!!!