Anonymous ID: a97126 May 29, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9363748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3784 >>3832

Hi, anons:


Love, gratitude, and blessings to y'all. I'll try to keep this as short as possible.


RE: All the anons saying that George Floyd was alive because EMS personnel did not start resuscitation attempts on scene:


At the discretion of the EMS crew, they may "load and go." When a patient is in a public place EMS providers must make sure they're safe and protect patient privacy.


Many times EMS personnel have been attacked, crowded - in, or have been unable to protect the privacy of the patient. A scene can easily escalate quickly, and if it's sketchy or is getting sketchy, they're outta there (hopefully with the patient so they can treat while transporting).


We can't speak for the EMS providers on scene, and why they did what they did; you'd have to speak with them directly.


Correct stuff being said: You are supposed to check pulse (among other things) immediately. If there is no pulse, begin resuscitation; this is true regarding medical protocols.


There's also Operations. Medical is for how to take care of people. Operations is for facilitation of the EMS system. We need the system and the EMS personnel so medical protocols can even happen.


The scene had people yelling and recording with their phones. I would've transported immediately. If there was no pulse, one of the providers could've and should've started CPR though while the other provider got the stretcher.


But if the scene was really sketchy, you get the fuck out with the patient; it goes like that often when you're in the hood and someone gets shot. Normies trickle in with their phones out and start yelling which can escalate very quickly.


Thanks for doing all that you do, anons. WWG1WGA!

Anonymous ID: a97126 May 29, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.9363844   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I wish I knew. Focus on the positive. All this stuff has to work itself out. Have faith in the Patriots. Rock that armor.


Thanks for the reply.